quinta-feira, 25 de maio de 2017

next extract of my criminal accusation against the nazis pshichiactrics, pages 11 to 15, that still without any anwsers after all this time, neither from the pt court as from the european criminal court.

in this link at my blog to the french beloved one, today published, one of the annex that is mentioned in the down extract hereby published , that refer the image readings on Julio de Matos hospital, that have some French values as understood by my last manuscripts extracts

previous links

da carta de rosto enviada`ao tribunal criminal europeu sobre o crime contra mim cometido de internamento compulsivo no hospital dos psiquiatras nazis


de novo, prova do envio da minha acusação


more three pages of my criminal accusation about the crime committed against me by the nazis psychiactris


The psychiatric crimes


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