29 of december
link at Casa de Deus, about curia, as place in the north of portugual, that seems be one of the meanings of this starnge ilussion thta covers also a crime
28 of November
the strange talk, and perhaps false conversation that are publish here with apparently the european criminal court, and madame standart, wich seems by what i show where, also a active part of this conspiracy
This is a crime!
This is a crime against a child
This is a crime against a father
This are many crimes against all humankind
23 of November
no awnser of any kind from no one until this day
10 of November
try to present this crime by letter to the PM of Luxemburg
in this link, the account of that contact at 21 10 2011
the complain is already here published as a crime complain to the geral prosecutor of Luxembourg at the day 18 10 2011, and also any replay until this moment
in this link
21 of October
try to present this complain of crime trough the luxemburg embassy at lisbon
video 174 E 21 10 2011, call to Luxemburg embassy at Lisbon
this is the account of a phone call to Luxemburg embassy,
yesterday, 20 of October, trying to present and inform the embassy the
existence of a crime in they territory and subsequently criminal
was you can confirm by yourself, the
lady that tolds me to be, christine coorman, when I ask her the official
address of the prime minister of Luxemburg, start to say that without
knowing the subject, she can not give me, with is a very strange answer
then we listen what it seems to be also a prepared set, very
loud sound of steps, of feminine steps, like a horse or a mule and
coorman, or corman, remind me the name of the one once considered the
worst film maker of all time in America, terror movies, there was quoted
long time ago on my book of life, ourosobreazul.blogspot.com
worst movies, can also fit this last line comment with mr
marco from the speroni, EC parliament cabinet, who by the image of
caviar and monica belluci, can also fit in the killing of beslan,
the fact that this call was directly connect trow the PT
terrorists reinforce that suspicion of a prepared set to induce a
certain lecture
this bandits of this international
criminal association make always a labyrinth, and a labyrinth is a place
where all peoples get lost some time, as it seems happening with all
humankind, for this reason, we can say the some are really interested in
maintain others, like me, in this labyrinth, this will have as
consequence abbreviate the fall of all, because the ligth or the absence
of it, is what aloud man to see and come out of labyrinth
if you don t believe, you all see
labyrinth is also a recent comment that I have done, remember
to all, a American movie, where all a city, metaphor of a micro or macro
cosmos, plays a constant show to one in particular, and life in many
levels on the account, of the constant movie, the victim is subject for
the pleasure and different interest of many’s
do you remember.... a kind of big brother, with criminal
in this link where athis blog, the written complain to the prossecutor of luxemburg, france and italy
in this link where athis blog, the written complain to the prossecutor of luxemburg, france and italy
21 of October 2011
second call to luxemburg police
video 173 E 21 10 2011, second call to
Luxemburg police
this is the video account on the second
call to Luxemburg police trying to present a complain of a crime that is
going on in the jurisdiction of this country, in two European
institutions, Curia, the European court and EC parliament
again the same criminal operandus process show the face, as the
same at curia calls, the lady that I had speak on the first call and
who identify herself as member of that police, now seems not exist, as
the same within curia
both are apparently portuguese, this
prove that this international criminal association has a portuguese
branch, that first appears at the official community center at Lisbon,
jean monet, before as you all remember, the killing in Norway and other
at canaries, Spain, as I gave the account at that moment
if true that in this phone the call was attended by the
Luxembourg police, the music in wait seems the same as you can heard,
this is also unacceptable and also a crime, namely when the man say to
me that I must go to Luxemburg to present a complain of this nature
19 of October 2011
19 of October 2011
luxembourg police, or a new crime, confirming that is a world conspiracy crime
this is
the account of my second call to luxemburg police,
the first one here on
this day, 17 10 2011, where the official lady,a portuguese one,
promisse me that they phone back at most monday
today is wednesday!
them a phone back, and i had this
incrible conversation
this is by it self, a new crime complain to all the autorities at luxemburg and in the world
this is by it self, a new crime complain to all the autorities at luxemburg and in the world
18 of October 2011
analyse of the crime at curia, part of the complain to the authorities
concerning the last
phone call to Curia, on day 12 of October, and what i " read " on
it contence, that prove and show some facets of this international
terrorists association
particular to policy and court authorities
18 of October 2011
i try to present this crime complain to the,
To the police of
against international terrorism
To the general prosecutor of grand ducale
of Luxembourg
To the general prosecutor of France republic
To the general prosecutor
of Italy republic
by register mail, in three copy’s, with a demand of reception invoice
to the fallowing three address
this is a crime complain concerning
European institutions that are in your country ad consequently under
your jurisdiction
crime facts arise in at least three European country’s, Portugal,
Luxembourg and France, for this reason, this is a international crime
the nature of the crime,
is an act of terrorism, and a international one
there are at least three
aims in this crime,
a crime against two European citizen, me
and a child, my soon
crime against justice it self, in the sense that the complain that I m
trying to submit to the court also deals with a lot of acts of world
terrorism with many murders, individual and collective
a crime against the court
of Curia, and it security, that indicate by the facts, the presence of a
terrorists association with possible branch in many others European
from the beginning of
this process in the day 8 of July this year, process, hereby understand
as, attempt of presenting a complain to Curia, this intentional crimes
whore committed
and diversion of communication
2-forgery of official documents from the
court and the signature of the general secretary of the court, Mr E.
3-obstruction of justice
all the facts and proves
until this day, are on line, at aconspiracycrime.blogspot.com
whereby under the links
that correspond to the steps of this crimes
1-stolen and diversion of
1.1 in the page on line,
documents, in the beginning, with this same title, the first letter
envoy to Curia, by fax on 8 of July, and respective official reception
from the official Portuguese company of communication CTT
1.2 above the second, and
third letter that I send to Curia, and also the forgery letters that
apparently came from the court
1.3 in the main page on line http://aconspiracycrime.blogspot.com/2011/08/blog-post.html,
video statement in english prove that this terrorists in this
international conspiracy also had infiltrated the court of Curia
1.4 in the same page,
post at 30 of august, prove in two parts, http://aconspiracycrime.blogspot.com/2011/08/internacional-terrorists-at-center-jean.html,
one link of this terrorists where in Lisbon, in the official center of
European communities
by others proves that also are in this page present, namely the
contacts with europol, in the post of day 6 of September, http://aconspiracycrime.blogspot.com/2011/09/proves-that-support-claim-of-existence.html
, the support of the claim of the existence of a international
2 -forgery of official
documents from the court and the signature of the general secretary of
the court, Mr E. Coulon
first letter received from Curia
second letter received
from curia
3- the facts and proves
above sustain my claim that is going on a crime of international
terrorism which is also a crime of justice obstruction among many
others, as you can understand by what I call, general statement in 29 of
august, http://aconspiracycrime.blogspot.com/2011/08/my-name-is-paulo-miguel-forte-i-live-at.html,
and also where you can find my legal identity elements and contacts
I will published another
video extract where I analyze the last until this day, phone call with
post will have the date of this letter
equivalent in they essence, to the crimes
above described, others are also occurring concerning the EC, and for
this reason, that amplifies and more sustain the prove that we are in
the presence of a international complex terrorists criminal association,
and for this reason I also present to Luxembourg authorities a complain
concerning the facts that are also refereed on this sames pages
today, day 17 of October,
I received in my phone number, register at 8h 25m with the indication
of private number, apparently from lady meyer, assistant of the
president of the European Parliament, Mr. jerky buzek, that by her
account, if her, confirm me the same crime, because she stated that a
replay signed by the president it self, was sending to me, and I only
received a letter on his behalf from the citizen inquire services of EC
the account of the facts
that prove the existence of this crime in this links on the same on
line publication,
13 of September
a SOS letter send to the
EC president and video statement , under
14 of September
letter publish as open
letter and send to all the representatives at EC, without any answer
until now, also can indicate crimes of diversion of official
of September
first phone contact with
the assistant of Mr president, lady meyer
1 of October
apparently letter
received from EC
10 of October
second false letter from
EC citizen inquires services
12 of October
telephone call to the
cabinet of Mr francesco speroni
17 of October
open inquiry to Mr marco
, from the cabinet of francesco speroni
by the reasons that arise
on this two last conversation, other possible motive of crime also
arise, giving substance to what I sustain in the public conversation
with Mr president, jerky buzek
to the prosecutor of Italy republic
hereby I present a complain against Mr marco from the cabinet of Ec
francesco speroni for having deny help to a citizen that present to him
the existence of crime, namely a attempt of murder
to the prosecutor of
grand ducat of Luxembourg I also stress that contrary to what was
promise by phone by the official of police that I have talk with, I did
not received any call, last Monday, which seems also a indication
already of a pressure and eventually a corruption act under this police
to the prosecutor of
France republic, this complain is also present in the same terms, by the
reason, that some of this European institutions also are in french
territory and subsequently under his jurisdiction
I stress to all, the fact
that this evidences show the existence of well organized criminal
associations, and this also say to all, by them existence it self, that
many other crimes, concerning political and economical corruption that
are crimes against all the states of law , republics and all citizens in
the European communitarian space, are real and going on, and even
crimes of murder, of distinct nature
connected support documents also
published at the page documents on this on line publication
waiting for your replay, I
stress the fact that the attempts against my life and my soon are going
on a daily basis, expecting what citizens must always expected from
justice, expedite action
with my compliments
paulo forte
Lisbon , 18 10 2011
this document have 4
17 of October
first try to present a crime complain about this crimes at the criminal european court that is at luxemburg, at luxemburg police
this is
the account of the first phone call to luxemburg police, at the day 14
of this month, to present a criminal complain regarding the crimes that
still going on at Curia, the european court
i did not have a replay until now from the anti terrerorist unity at luxemburg police, , this subject will be updated soon,
also i did no get any replay until now from from lady nunes or other , at curia,
i did not have a replay until now from the anti terrerorist unity at luxemburg police, , this subject will be updated soon,
also i did no get any replay until now from from lady nunes or other , at curia,
12 of October
In this video account, there a part in portuguese, by the reason that apparently a portuguese lady, Nunes is one of the assistant of Mr secretary of the court, E. Coulon
i say apparently, by the same reason proved on one of the
first video , trying to phone curia, where i had speak also with a lady
portuguese and in subsequent phones, other peoples at the same court,
say that there no one with that name
in the part
in portuguese, in a synthetically way, the lady nunes say that s is
normal in her point of vue, the existence of different signatures, which
even are not, but only photocopies, of signatures, distinct, because
she sat that sometimes, others administrators some times sign in his
i replay to her, that is not possible and
also illegal, because the name is mr E Coulon, and if another,
administrator or other signed in her behalf, them this will be the
correct formulation, and of course mentioned the name of whom signed in
his behalf, which is not the case.
During the
day of today, until the hour of this post, as contrary to what she told
me, i did not received any return call from the court to speak with Mr. E
10 of October 2011
publish the second letter from the court
with the date arrival of the second letter from the european criminal court 29 of September
there is a crime that this second letter apparently from the european court show and confirm, and still don t anwser neither to the first crime, deviation of correspondence, neither to the complain, they say also that they had send me meanwhile another letter, but never arrived
Second false letter from the
european court, curia
must I presume
I received in hand yesterday, 09 10 2011,
this letter , apparently again from the secretary of the
court, Mr E, Coulon, letter and envelope at the page
documents, here in this blog , with the date of today
why this is a false letter, if you compare the two letters
that I apparently received from curia until now, not three as this
letter mentioned, the name is the same, but the signatures are different
again as in the first letter, the letters are not signed,
because the false signature in both, are impress in the same way, as the
letters of the the words of the contents
again this prove, that we are in the presence of a
international crime of conspiracy
as you can
see, even the stamps are false or this criminal association has also a
branch on Luxembourg post
to all the european authorities, I
demand an immediate inquiry
remember also what is account on videos
hereby published about the firsts phone contacts with curia
(this appears on this writing, inter n a tio bn a l, a eve
lope, ou do lopes, pedro, envelope, en velo elo lope, also a name of a
portuguese lady, velo, jason group, see lines about, on book of life,
lux em burg, or first vase of the x, burg, city, cidade cida de, )
30 de August 2011
date of this videos publishing, trying to understand why i did not get any replay, and the discover of this crime inside the european court it self, curia, this tree videos are the account, facts and parcial prove that the international terrorists also had infiltrated the european court of justice, Curia , at luxemburg28 of august 2011
my replay to the first letter from the european court, curia, in two parts that correspond to two letters concerning this replay, where a key of the parcial id of the names of the terrorists inflitrated at the court, appear
27 of june 2011
first letter apparently received from the european criminal court
18 july 2011
second letter send to Curia, european court on 18 of july 2011
the first one disapeard on the court it self, the terrorists say
08 de july 2011
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