english translation of the first letter send to Curia, european court on 8 july 2011
To the Court of Justice of
European Communities
send by fax in the day 8 of
july 2011
I hereby request the court to bring an action expedite, legal concepts found in your site associated with this court
as I refer in a public statement in video posted in this links
I hereby request the court to bring an action expedite, legal concepts found in your site associated with this court
as I refer in a public statement in video posted in this links
in the same way as the link
in your official website, in contrary to the information provided on
the page of this court itself has not given access to the forms for
that expeditious action, that is mentioned in the court official
the official jurist
representative of the European community in Lisbon, jean monet
centre, Portugal, deny me any kind of help
why the request for expedite action?
why the request for expedite action?
Because for the last six
years all my complains that I try to present to all the judicial and
judiciary institutions here in portugal, have all been deny in a
criminal way, injuring many juridical principles consecrate in many
laws, which as the practical consequence in deny the right of claim
and defense
in a very clear way,
complains whore present in PSP, judiciary police, PGR, ( general
public attorney) Court of family and Child’s of Lisbon, Supreme
Court, Constitutional Court, Parliament, to all the leaders of
political party’s, to Presidency, to the Order of Doctors and
Lawyers, to the judges associations, and none, of them until this
moment, gave me any kind of answer
this show one of the most
dark facets of this crime, a crime of conspiracy, that show also to
all, the trans systemic rottenness of the regime in portugal and
consequently the total failure of the judicial and judiciary system
because I bring my small
child stolen and abuse for this last six years and any authorities
judiciary , judicial, politics and from all the orders that are
involved in this crime for all this time, anyone without any
exception, gave me at least a answer, and all have deny me the right
to claim and defend
because, myself, i have
been target of persecution by many , individuals and groups acting as
bandits associations and using also many state institutions on this
because in this complex
crime that i must consider of world conspiracy, against myself and my
life, as in the same way against to my soon, because many times we
had ours life’s under treat, I have even been physical beaten and
target of multiple attempts of murder, without any of my complains
had any kind of follow by all the authorities
because my home, is in
daily basis object of illegal entrances command for many distinct
entity’s , including secret services, spying, robbery, and
preparing different “arts” that in my point of vue, had
contributed for crimes around the world, many of them genocide, and
others that had as result the dead of many individuals, and the same
is been occurring concerning all my rights that are granted by
communitarian and national laws
because all my steps,
actions and movements are constantly controlled by many under the
command of many distinct, and the same is happening during all this
time with all kind of my communications, that are robber, deviated
and changed in regular basis, as I prove in the same video that I
mentioned upper in this letter, namely when i try the first time to
contact by phone Interpol and in the second try, second video, trough
another phone, em the day 06 07 2011
because in this complex
crime, me and my soon, had been subject to continuous acts of torture
and slavery in they moderns and sophisticated forms, where all the
medias had a daily and relevant role and
in this
strategies of continue attempt to frame me for almost all the
disgraces that happen in the world,
because in this crime,
exist and run many distinct crimes of other nature as patrimonial
robbers and intellectual property in many country s around the world,
as for instance in america, that value today billion of dollars or
because this systematic
persecution trough many state institutions , aim also the financial
robber, of my patrimony, and also the one of my family, and serve the
goal of the bandits as a way to take from em the possibility of
action, and defense of myself and my soon, as way to maintain the
abuses and crimes
because all my incomes and
the possibility of incomes has been robber and deny during all this
years, including the support that s granted by the portuguese law
concerning this situations of economical insufficiency of means, and
this is also used as a mechanism in this crime to perpetuating of the
robber and acts of torture against my soon and me, and consequently
of cover and intentional of all others crimes that are included and
behind, that still going on
who can all understand the
complexity of this crime and verify is nature of a crime of world
conspiracy, by listening some of my videos statements publish about
all the facts and distinct crimes that i have been giving the details
account, on my sites, ourosobreazul.blogspot.com , and
casadedeus.blogspot.com, and also at my channel in you tube
during all this years i do
not bring knowledge by any way, even any kind of notification from
any portuguese authorities, claiming that exist against me any
suspicion , research, process or charge
this accusation is
produced against many state portuguese institutions at distinct
levels, governments, parliament, presidency, polices and courts,
supreme court included, and also against individuals, against orders
of professionals, doctors and lawyers, and against orders of other
natures like mason, and opus dei, the catholic church of portugal and
roma, and members and leaders from distinct portuguese institutions
and distinct enterprises, and also others in foreign territory some
outside europe
in a crime of this
complexity, I understand the need of an expedite action, by the
nature it self of what where i call nuclear crimes, as the robber of
my soon, the torture, his own and mine safety, because this crimes
still going on, and i demand to the court the conditions that assure
from the portuguese authorities, the respect that is due to me and to
him, concerning ours rights that are granted by laws, namely the
by other side, many others
crimes of distinct natures that had gain substance and still are
gaining , in this conspiracy, will need a full investigation that
produce the prove to submit to trial, within what i must consider
distinct for the juridical concept that sustain the, expedite action,
even remember and saying as always, that all the justice must be done
always in a expedite way, because this is the assurance that the harm
don’t grow and the compensation of the ones offended, fulfill
at the ligth of the explain
above, after the court's understanding of the nature and complexity
of this crime, immediately ask the court expeditiously
that the court by sentence
compel the portuguese state to the immediate integral fulfillment of
the portuguese and communitarian laws, that the state representative
in the level of justice, give me written assurances concerning the
immediate return of my soon and assurance of safety, and the
cessation of all kind of criminal acts of persecution and torture
over both us
the nomination of a team
of prosecutors that work here in portugal during the time needed to
research and obtain the confirmation on the facts concerning this
crimes , present in written detail in public mode at my public blogs
because is a criminal fact
that all the authorities in the judiciary and judicial field, are
corrupted and had bowed to various interests involved, and also a
fact that they are covering every day without exception these crimes
all these years
i gave to the court knoledge
of a fact at June 30, this year, the Portuguese daily newspaper Y,
claim that the government at the moment of ceasing functions, erase
all the official information and certainly others, from their
computers, crime against the state of law and the Portuguese
Republic, which also has raced in the past in all the goverments
before without any criminal liability
It was my intention to send
this request for expedite action by the representation of the
official European community in Lisbon, but how can you judge by the
videos in the link above, this was denied and also this denial is a
proof of the nature and dimension of this transnational conspiracies,
and therefore i will try to send from a balcony of the ctt, couriers
Portugal, who also during these years, diverted my correspondence, in
the hope that you get
in the sheet annex, the
photocopy of my identity card of portuguese citizen, as prove to
confirm my identity
ask the court for the reasons described above, control and diversion
of constant correspondence by many, to send the return receipt of
this letter to the address below, and that your subsequent response
is also send for the same address and i ask also that who send me a
copy of the translation of this complain and request for an expedite
action , on order that i can evaluate its fidelity to this original
written in portuguese
I remind
the court as above stated, that my communications are systematically
curtailed, controlled by several, and trafficked and tampered and it
is possibly that this fax will be aslo diverted as your answer,
for this reason i send
hereby my phone number, and i appreciate a contact, to confirm me the
arrival of this complain and also when you send to me your replay
this original has two
pages , the second one signed his the copy of my identity card
i will ask also at ctt the
presence confirmation of my identity, that will be also annex in
manuscript way in the second page of this document, with the id and
stamp of the ctt worker
paulo miguel garcia
fernandes forte
cidadao da republica
carta de indentidade,
numero, 05327541
telefone 00 351 926263177
(this letter document here today , 23 of november 2011, as a more other video that the original as all can see above by the photos of the original send in portuguese)
(this letter document here today , 23 of november 2011, as a more other video that the original as all can see above by the photos of the original send in portuguese)
photos of the first letter send to CURIA, european court on 08 of july 2011
original version in portuguese
foto one
foto two
foto three
foto four
foto five
foto six
foto seven, prove of the envoi
foto eigth, second prove of the envoi
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