and after receiving the under criminal ironical at least apparently or not complaint by violations of a community that must i also suppose is a kind of phantoms one, made by thieves that never answer, the robber of you tube concept worth some large years ago, already 3 billion dollars, and as you all know i live from charity without knowing nothing about my only son if mine from 2007,in this version if meanwhile not adulterated, is also included the part that as explained in previous post was changed in the last upload,
probably these criminal had used this notice to still or to change some other previous content, of course this are always miner questions to you tube and blogger communities if ones
of course one of the bandits actual problems is trying to disguise what they had erased in the previous video changed by them, the proof of one of the recent possibilities of robber by illegal entering my home , and this was show on the image and the Nazis cut
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