quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2016

1146 M 27 11 2016

important in the last part of this video, the image of last friday at DN pt newspaper, air france, black friday and gutierres, putin meeting in russia, and the pass prepared where in Lisbon, and the fall after of a brasilian plane. I m speaking about the pass with meat on the butcher and the reflex at home of some of the details on gutierres face. 

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2016

the terrorists had cut at least of part of the reading of the tale written by Anais Nin in the video under

the terrorists had cut at least of part of the reading of the tale written by Anais Nin in the video under

1144 M 22 11 2016

these terrorists still have reel time access to all my applications, they even had put a number, 83, during the encoding of this video, i suppose to account one more manbo jambo or something like this.

I wont these peoples present to a court

I demand authorities answers to put an end to these crimes!!!

perhaps they had already change some content also in the upload video

some details of the cover with Great Britain Queen and the criminal president of the Portuguese republic, cover of news papers in the beginning of this video, namely the candles on the mirror also mirror a detail that I had previously recorded on my Toshiba camera on the scene of the movie "Contract of Loups" with Monica Bellucci 

yesterday during the night again some one all the nigth doing small bangs on the ceiling upper my main room, 

my actual manuscript writing goes now on page 2279, and Japan analyze is almost concluded 

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2016

1143 M 18 11 2016

com tantos crimes agora durante estas publicacoes os filhos da puta atraves da ligacao vodafone ja devem ter mudado algo, como por exemplo neste video. este teclado esta desconfigurado. quero estes filhos da puta presentes num tribunal

locomotiva e scarface 911 , cabroes do publico e afins

Meus pais como intermediários
Não sei de quem nem do quê

No fim de semana passado meus pais me trouxeram estes dois recortes de jornais,
Uma noticia sobre paulo ribeiro, com a palavra locomotiva de alguma coisa presume-se, e um estranho eventual sentido atendendo a locomotivas estampadas e escadas em espanha e a tremores de terra em Amatrice como vos expliquei.
E um outro com uma imagem do 911 onde é visível um rosto feminino como espetado na zona do pescoço pela antena culatra como a designei no principio da analise do 911
Como vereis, tem uma marca na face, scarface figure as explained on book of life

Nunca eu vira tal imagem no material analisado frame a frame, e parece-me retocada a imagem destes filhos da puta de criminosos do Publico

these fuckers criminals had put again a script on the upper photo that turns the original position, even if i rotate it in for instance picture viewer 

invoice of informatic buying at Media Markt

quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2016

1142 M 16 11 2016

Synopses 1142 M 16 11 2016
Time duration 1:33:09:22

An image concerning what seems to me the son of Trumps in the victory speech, a strange expressed behavior; one image of Obama in a French magazine;  some of old images , TV interviews with Trumps; the listening that the poison was on the soup; the stairs representations; jet fighters thumbnails on you tube and a sound here on the rear window, the old image of an helicopter in a foggy night,  the speech of Obama after the elections on white house, a speech of Trumps with Hillary presence on a meeting during the elections, her apparently or not criminal behavior; the Watergate time and others details; her speech after the defeat; the ambassadors reception at Kremlin, Putin, the image of the electronic circuits like the England Queen stamps on the horses letter from the nineties meanwhile still from my house; The  usual Nazi crimes at my home, this time on the DVD player, some more discovered arts and tricks;   continuation de la conversation avec Monica Bellucci; a recent news after elections by Hillary at CM, Portuguese criminal newspaper, concerning hat tricks on elections done by American authorities, remembering some facts concerning old elections on these matters; some more details on Hillary Trumps, Kaspersky saga during the elections, the bed and the vault, or the bed secret as it seems constructed by third parts, the missing and still of 3000 emails or whatever it was as metaphor, or even criminal metaphors; the saw and the rose covers of phones;  the continuous crimes of torture, the noises of metallic sounds and opening and closing draws, and the purposes concerning the writing in my manuscript,  and attempts of murder; Trumps pennies image on you tube thumbnails and the connections with the albums 91 92 about London; Sur l’église de Rome, quelques faits criminels dans ce crime de vol de mon enfant, comme je prouvé dans les enrigistrements des conversations avec le Vatican, au temps publiée dans le livre de ma vie ; l’étrange sens dune nouvelle de une prête de ce église dans DN quelques année, du Banque do Vatican, une offerte de compensation économique de 4 millions ; une image du film, Contracte des Loups, ; Vogue, continuation du récit, cette fois si avec Mila M. la sèment noire a la tête du lit  ou longle de limage de Bellucci, une séquence qui semble croise, sur ces deux images, expressément pour ce Vogue récit. Le sens de la pierre cubique, les tsunamis, sur limage de Bellucci a Visão, pt. Magazine ; les procès criminels des miroirs basés sur des crimes dentrance illégal à ma maison ; le jardin des Hespérides, les vidéos sur apparentement les rituelles sataniques du groupe de Hillary au YouTube. In Portuguese, inquiry on some very strange news on the science program at antenna 2, the fishs and another small program, pockets words; remembering some old comments on these matters of fish production; the productions of synthetic meat, a theme already some large years ago, the first hamburger,
Apicultura é um estranho lapso pelos sentidos que têm no ponto analítico onde estou, nomeadamente nas questões de japão e América. Este especto e significados serão analisados por escrito. Ref. image star wars.
The last two takes, are in sequential number order, but the time reference is different, which means again crimes on programmations, I wont these fuckers criminal son jail!

sábado, 12 de novembro de 2016

1141 M 12 11 2016

1140 M 11 11 2016 mainly an accusation against Media Markt , Microsoft and others third parts

326. a detail on monica lapa photos at Meco beach that also links a detail in the painting of Lima de Freitas and consequently Amatrice. this subject will be approache in write mode if I still alive

at Sea Matters, the sequence

aparentemente garras ou comandos para controlar um PC

este teclado nao esta configurado e nao se consegue configurar, ou seja mudando a linguagem continua a nao ter caracteres em portugues, provavelmente uma soft versao de crimes de impedimento

este papelinho, frente e verso estava repousando na minha mesa de jantar quando cheguei a casa talvez ha 3 semanas atras e para quem nao sabe a letra parece na realidade a de minha mae e se calhar e.

no reverso aparentemente foi imprimido num outro papelinho previamente impresso com este conjunto de dlls que como podereis reparar tem alguns pelo menos nomes estranhos ou suspeitos, como cao, ou dog qualquer coisa.

como sempre no fim de semana seguido e depois quando vi meus pais nada me disseram sobre esta estranha mensagem. de quem

dos terorristas ou de amigos, a prova que farao ou uma tentativa de justificar crimes de acesso ilegal ao meu computador, ou ainda uma mistificacao que vise a confusao das minhas provas

mais uma vez meus pais, uma especie de go between entre gentes que nao dao a cara e fazem este genero de jogos de sombra e provavelmente a isso obrigados, so assim posso entender estes factos. ou ainda uma participacao activa deles nos crimes que visam a descrebilizacao das minhas acusacoes

como sabeis nao trago eu em casa impressora nem imprimi previamente este papelinho.