sábado, agosto 12, 2017
the crime of impediment on the blog dashboard still go on
the still impeach the possibility to link my new blogs and at the same time they take away the link to the blog
where i already notice a crime, also due in my archives, the scans of BIT BIT edition, the robber of the credit card concept, is cut some lines of this newspaper article and this says all about the criminals that are behind the crime of slavery robber and attempt of framing me from the 911, are the same or serve the ones that had still this idea, one of the major concepts robber from me large time ago.
to the beloved Great Britain One
as explained in my manuscript , the DN terrorists edition, had mix a lot of different tragedies on the edition that the emperor had present his resignation
As explained in my manuscript , the DN terrorists edition, had mix a lot of different tragedies
on the edition that the emperor had present his resignation
on the edition that the emperor had present his resignation
One of the subjects is the again returned recently, by first a pub campaign of Paco Rabane, that also mingles aspects and symbols of the 911, the edits, and after more recently by you-tube, a video campaign also used to kill again as arrived.already more then an year on this DN edition they also had mingle, as a way to create an illusion, some previous aspects of my analyzes, that mingles, the theme, the cubic stone of the sea, witch means, tsunamis, starting from the big one at 2005, and is namely target of a not far way PP, with this reading at time at Belem, the cubic stone of the sea, Nicole Kidman launch movie, and an Happy pirate one eye lady cover magazine among other details
The title of this article, is Pico, a island also, is our Olimpo mount, which as can be easily understood, is not the volcano on japan, but also can be understood as element of this recent above referred narrative with Paco Rabane model by the Olimpo, value it self.
olympea spot paco rabane
16 scans of support on the re published manuscript extract around Japan tsunami 2011, NY 911, and London tragedies
16 scans of support on the re published manuscript extract around Japan tsunami 2011, NY 911, and London tragedies
by the reasons already explained, they robber the first ones.
at my blog to the Japan Beloved One
the manuscript index
the manuscript extract
this sequence of 16 scans of support of the firsts pages of this recent re published extract
under one, that allows to see the correlation and similitude between the cover of ILM, Star wars and the building in the 911 by the towers side that was hit by a kind of ball of fire during the towers fall at 911. just a small transformation on the axis of the cover photo to better view the correspondence with the real image of the 911, available in the documentary, 911 revisited, first version. All the details are explained on the manuscript referred extract.
these scans correspond to the support images between page 2096 and 2102
the cover at it is
12 08 2017 Nazis impeachment crimes, robber and propriety destruction and a partial answer to president Trumps about NATO debts
recorded today, length 4.11 minutes
again a crime of adulteration in the video to gwen
Once again the last video, a conversation with Gwen, is adulterated, not only on line but also in my edited version on my PC.
Why so many efforts these terrorists are doing concerning all the words to her, namely considering the values of captain sky and the world of tomorrow, today?
Whom and what international terrorism acts are they protecting?
Why as usual during all these years after the fall of the towers in 911, there is no answers concerning these constant and increasingly crimes?
Is this not a NAZI reality already for many million all around the world?
I will re due the video soon as possible!!!!
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