Just after publishing at my blog Ouro sobre Azul, some photos of a sequence where an African lady appears , with a death chicken, and seeing a nuclear explosion in her bed mirror among others photos, values and meanings.
This sequence of both images , the beauty and Condolezza side by side, is a reflex on one of the short stories of Manara recently comment on video, “Senza Titolo”, or without title, when the presence of the Chile Lady president here at Lisbon, and a strange as usual photo of her with the criminal horse president ( this theme is already comment on the actual extracts published in the upper mentioned blog, to the French beloved one.
Then must I suppose and ask that Condolezza Rice have made some sums on tsunamis subjects?
The last time I see her at distance on photo was dress in pink rose not martini, but dress playing piano to the GB HM in a visit some years ago.
A published here one of the Manara draws concerning this stories, and others of the same album, by values already explained, like the one that correlate the presence of the Chile president, The blue period of Picasso, and others at the French beloved one blog
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