upper the link to some photos of Amatrici tragedy published in this blog
Amatrice tem 208 dos 268 mortos causados pelo sismo
this one makes the connection with the upper detail on the paiting of Lima de Freitas, upper photo
The details, on the city, upper photo also makes the connection with the fallow down frames from the clip with the RTP news at time of Durão Barroso EC Presidency
this are the two previous links important to understand the story line at my blog seamatters.blogspot.pt that still impeach by the terrorist the acess, appears a message that says, only by invitations, seeting that i did not chose
317. the Thor hammer. This video was target of some adulteration's, and I publish it here because it also refers among others subjects to the hammer, a recent re introduced line around the California disgrace. i will explain the details in the next manuscript extract as the other sub lines within this video
318. new crime of adulteration on last under published video, a small explanation and 16 key frames
the video under as all can see in the initial claquete had a total
running time of 60:06 and in the upload version that is published under
they cut it again and have only a total time of 48:44. then there are
missing almost 11 minutes. this reinforce the importance of this
contents and they adulteration s
I canot check now on line the adulteration, i just published some key frames, 16 that pearhs can allow all to check
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