segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2015

963 M 20 04 2015 to curia and to all


to curia and to all, mainly I suppose a kiss to hillary, among many others subjects, including, some aspects on NY analyze, Spain, Atocha bombs, Madrid, bodas de sangre,  a recent conversation with catherine, a french lady, rato arrest in spain, queen sofia, the image of the recent rains in lisbon and the correlations with the album of 91 done by cristina coutinho and tsunami image, where curia also appears as hotel name, and not european criminal court, london bombs, the phantome images on the ec blue screen wall at my home correlated with the last quote from the ex judge ventura, and timor leste animist primitive religions and sorciers, or india, water party killing or charlie killings, some questions to european commission and to mr, judge president of Curia as european criminal court, and others crimes details, also including of course, the daily basis crimes at PT telecom, when i m doing uploads, in this case two euros robber, and some nuclear questions concerning the socrates case and the nominations of secret polices to prevent not only terror acts but also cataclysms

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