sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2015

sum of the recent criminal acts of all the portuguese authorities concerning the robber, act of torture, and abuse, over my son and me

1. roubo do meu filho em 2005, e nenhuma resposta de nenhuma autoridade neste pais na mão dos nazis e igualmente o mesmo se tem passado a nível europeu.

2. neste crime de novo enviei cartas registadas dia 16 de Janeiro de 2015 ao criminoso nazi presidente de portugal cavaco silva e aos nazis, ministra da justiça, ao primeiro ministro, à presidente da assembleia da republica, e ao juiz presidente do supremo tribunal, e ainda a nível europeu ao juiz presidente do tribunal criminal europeu, senhor Jaeger

3. a prova do envio aqui

4. the prove of the register of the sent letters

5. and what seems the recurrent crime of impeachment and deviation of all my correspondence as way to mantain the robber of my son and all the others crimes like slavery

6. the the apparenttly or forgery reception invoices of the sent lettersless the one sent to curia, that until this day did not even arrived

7. the two reading letters of the six sent day 16 01 2015

to the justice minister, and the usual killings around this crime

to the president Cavaco Silva

8. As seems normal during all this years that this crime is going on, again the same criminal acts in total impunity until this day, no one awnser!|!!!! and this say all about they guilty, and this is among other crimes, the robber of a child, a son that i do not see from the time that they had robber him, contrary to all the rigths and laws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9. As usual I demand the immediate anwser at europeu political and judicial level

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