My name is paulo miguel forte, I live at lisbon in portugal, I have been prosecute for many by different reasons almost all my life, for the last 9 years I have my young child stolen, abuse and subject to torture as me, all my rights have been denied to all authorities in Portugal, including the right of claim and defense, I don t have any knowledge of any official accusation against me during this time
terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013
segunda-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2013
sábado, 28 de dezembro de 2013
quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013
quarta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2013
terça-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2013
segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2013
sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2013
sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2013
605 19 12 2013 kiss to you with others details concerning recent lines of image
this is the shadows that they put expressly on texts
and for this reason the text corrected in blogg kiss under this video kiss at my blog kiss
no breve instante em que teus olhos abertos vi
neles vi, doces e quentes vales como puro e branco algodão
pequenos todos juntos mais pareciam chapeu de chuva
pirolito de agua doce
neles te olhei e vi como senhora orando emoldurada
em caracois longos como beijos e o belo beijar
depois ouvi , dizeres de ti coisa que não creio
mas tu lá o saberás
cuidado senhora em saber o que em verdade é só seu
ou de boca, vento de alheio dizer
pois nas vezes os leões trazem donos
a quem outros mandam comer
e as sombras assim inflacionam
para a luz de teus olhos escurecer
e sabeis senhora
que os olhos são luz
e guiam teus passos
sois bela senhora
em meu coração de amor
devereis casar comigo
quarta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2013
criminal accusation against the judges of the Portuguese constitutional court and others whereby mentioned
sent today to Curia, European criminal court
segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2013
602 M 16 12 2013 about the crime committed against me of compulsory internment at the psychiatric hospital in May 2013, in Portuguese
this is a lecture of a part from my complaint to Curia, European Criminal Court, and to the Court here in Portugal, present in September this year and without any consistent answers, other then the ones in the video comment
sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2013
sexta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2013
quarta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2013
terça-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2013
segunda-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2013
sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2013
quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2013
domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013
extracts from the criminal accusation against Jose Socrates and others
Some facts around the so call financial crises that arise at the time of Socrates government
sexta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2013
segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2013
Two extracts of the accusation against Jose Socrates and his government
Two extracts
of the accusation against Jose Socrates and his government
connection between a crime of persecution and robber through Olivais
finances and a fallow crime at the state register companies, CRC at
Lisbon, and the heavy rains in north of Portugal just after.
fallowing extract is from a text that I had written and published at
my blog concerning the crime or persecution and robber done against
me as personal contributor many time before the crimes at CRC. As you
can see, in the paragraph hereby transcript, there is a key in the
written of the text, that show a name, Ana daria, that when appear on
my writing I did not know. At the light os the posterior crime at
CRC, where I was attend by my request by a man with a name Dario,
seems them this sum, saying now that perhaps this man is relative to
this lady, that seems connected with a circle of UAL, at Olivais, a
university crime that arise in the time of the general public
attorney Souto Moura, that seems be connected with the crime at
Olivais finances and specific with the letter that had supported the
money robber and the seizure of the common bank account, and if true
this deductions also is a prove of the existence of a bandit
association and a organized crime of persecution with multiple
purposes as will be explained in other point of this accusation
Essa aparente carta das finanças
dos Olivais, friso aparente neste momento, pois como ireis entender,
nem ao certo sei se corresponde a uma carta verdadeira emitida pela
repartição de finanças em questão, reclamava a existência de uma
divida fiscal em meu nome como contribuinte individual (indi, circulo
ual) com o valor se não alterado no texto de duzentos e cinquenta e
nove euros e vinte e ove cêntimos, (ove cêntimos,) e assim de
memória, se o valor for distinto, andaria contudo (Ana daria) nesta
ordem de grandeza pois assim me recordo.
( aparentemente seria, pois o
valor foi na altura pago)
Crime thought
the department of finances of Olivais, crime of finances thought the
payments from spa, criminal accusation against ex ministry Teixeira
dos Santos and others, to him as commander of one more menace of
death against me and my son, and distinct acts of international
An illegal
seizure of a common bank account with my father, a money robber, and
the purposes behind and what had appeared at time in newspapers
concerning the patrimony of my father.
2- Second
extract of the accusation against Jose Socrates
This lady
judge, Ana Peres is the one in charge of the judgment of the case of
child’s abuse, known as Casa Pia, a kind of public institution that
deals with abandon child’s, which knowledge came more or less from
twenty years ago and come finally to try during this socialist
government, then is also possible that her public comment refereed
above, also indirectly refer to this case, and the erase of
information’s concerning this case.
Indeed some
documents concerning this case seems been disappeared, and this can
be proven by a fact that came in public domain when this crime emerge
again during a visit of the president at time, general Eanes, where
the child’s give him account about the abuses, and fallow this,
Teresa Macedo secretary of state at time come also in public domain
stating that she had seen photos with high figures of state implied
on these abuses, that after a while, she again state that she did not
see them, and in reality these photos never came on public knowledge,
which seems translate that this photos or orgies indeed had at least
exist, because there no logical sense in a contradiction in this
terms, same one that start say that had seen photos and after deny
it, others then two possibilities, or she started to lie, or she was
after obliged to contradict herself namely thought menace or
As I stated in
write mode in my book of life concerning this case of child abuse in
Portugal, where this tradition came from the old regime, the so call
ballet rose case, with also some ministers at time, concerning images
as way of prove, I had detected long time ago, a mis redaction on the
penal code at time, written by the actual president of the supreme
court, Noronha Nascimento, that lead me at a certain point to inquiry
in public mode, if this apparently mis redaction of this article was
not done expressly to impeach this way of prove and namely to protect
the ones that are involved.
This missing
documents, photos, that are refereed on the paragraphs above, do not
dismiss or contradict the possibility that exist others missing
documents as refereed by the lady Judge Ana Peres.
It’s clear in
the conscience of many in Portugal that exist a hidden non declared
agreement of silence and mutual protection between all the parties
concerning the cases of child’s abuse, and this point also very
clear that many of them are child’s abusers, and a simple fact
demonstrate it, I do not remember as I suppose all, had listing any
time, for instance from the heads of the parties, public declarations
about this case, namely stating in the mane of a party, that they do
all that is needed to discover it until the last consequences and
bring the criminals to the justice, and this continuous absence of
political positions say all to all.
During the two
governments under the aegide of José Socrates, what we had seen, was
the habitual covers
and veils around cases of child’s abuse, the
confirmation of the implication of some socialist figures, namely the
spouse of Mário Soares, Maria Barroso in cases of robber of child’s,
namely the so call Esmeralda case as proved, we see at televisions a
priest from the catholic church that is or was in front of a juvenile
institution at Evora when inquiry about child abuse, saying no, at
the same time that he slap a child face, that came nearby at moment,
we see in medias, another recurrent case of a missing child, Rui
Pedro been nourish with elements that emerge from the analyses of the
crime against my son, and we also see one deputy of socialist party,
Paulo Pedroso been arrest by the general public attorney, Souto
Moura, that after a while was dismissed and we all had seen what
this case also had translate at the level of what I can define as
promiscuous relations and cover also in the branch of the Judges.
These facts
that I had analyze with detail during many years in my book of life
that I briefly here enumerate, show the dominant political and
judicial culture concerning cases of child’s abuses in Portugal,
which is also the main crime against my son and me, as in the same
way, I also sustain that my intervention on these fields are part of
the reasons and motivations of the crime of robber of my son.
I also remember
the court, the so call cases of the recordings of hearings concerning
José Socrates and the case of envelope 9, and Freeport corruption
And I also
remember that in the period of his government other case of a missing
child occur, the Maddie case, that I had explain in detail, is also
covered by many.
segunda-feira, 18 de novembro de 2013
591 E 16 11 2013
and again today in the Portuguese news, another football player death in the filed, a youngster of 20, see the video to understand. Line of comment on Cristiano Ronaldo recent image and the boy from casa Pia, child abuses, in the bus comment in the video upper
388 E 06 2012 multiple crime complaint, sonae, fnac, microsoft, symantec, and others
This crime complaint was sent to portuguese authorities and to European justice provider and still without any anwsers until this day where I republished this video from 06 2012, this crimes approach very important actual matters
quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2013
prove of the invoice of the criminal complaint against PT PM Pedro Passos Coelho and his cabinet, to Curia
Two versions of the same document of this piece of accusation above mentioned, one in pdf and other in xps. as I gave the account em video above today published, the terrorists are changing reel time all my documents productions. And a new crime they had commit, do not allow me to have the strutures of the documents in XPS and i suppose also em pdf format.
terça-feira, 12 de novembro de 2013
domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013
quinta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2013
quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2013
sexta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2013
580 E 31 10 2013, a new crime in my pens, pingo doce, socrates, publico,
a version with some introductory comments that abroad the context of this pass done by Socrates in public medias as comment in videos before. A very complex pass done by the socialists , Socrates ex prime minister, Mario Soares the godfather of these bandits and Lula da Silva, ex Brasil president, and thir international links again
581 E 01 11 2013 Hospital Amadora Sintra, again what seem be fake analyses, an attack yesterday against my father, Sending accusation to Curia, Emel crimes and others questions
In this video, is comment the crime of erasing the invoice to Curia from the CTTs of Av. 5ª Outubro and the pass that the lady there at balcony 10, had done with the stamps, and perhaps worst crimes, namely the possibility of diverting the envoy
Also a comment on what seems be again fake analyses at the Hospital Amadora Sintra in the consultation of yesterday, 31 10 2013, which if true is again prove of the constant attempt of murder.
Yesterday also i suppose an attempt against my father was done by the terrorist, probably a poisoning act on food during a travel to Porto
this video now during this upload at PT headquarters, take more time in the encoding of you tube that is normal, this can point already adulteration's on the content due on line in the upload time, there is already one notice, this video is the 581 and not the 580 as the head of video now say, i cannot check it now, but seems also that they change the reference, this normally aims, by repetition to erase it after, and maintain my apparently order of sequence by the numbers. Probably they had already done some others in the content it self
this video now during this upload at PT headquarters, take more time in the encoding of you tube that is normal, this can point already adulteration's on the content due on line in the upload time, there is already one notice, this video is the 581 and not the 580 as the head of video now say, i cannot check it now, but seems also that they change the reference, this normally aims, by repetition to erase it after, and maintain my apparently order of sequence by the numbers. Probably they had already done some others in the content it self
criminal accusation against Portuguese parliament send yesterday to Curia, doc in xps and prove of the invoice
even this prove of the invoice through the CTT, above, that i had digitized yesterday night was erased immediately after, as they do the same concerning the original take on my camera where in video i show the posts, CTT, of Av, 5 Outubro where i send yesterday the document above ( in xps) to Curia. then today, i digitized again. This show how this terrorists, still have remote control access to all my pcs and camera, and how afraid they are about justice, and the constant professional efforts they do to erase of adulterated the evidences on these crimes. As you can see there is also a tricky pass on the stamps that is comment in the fallow published video
segunda-feira, 28 de outubro de 2013
sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013
about my son, and details on the recent image at Rossio underground, draw complete analyze
1- I have see my son day 16 10, at my parents house, what can be another incest possibility
2-Full analyze on the Rossio, Underground Draw published at, following the others elements that are already there, the video and the draw
2-Full analyze on the Rossio, Underground Draw published at, following the others elements that are already there, the video and the draw
sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013
To Mr. President Obama and to All
To Mr. President Obama and to All
Perhaps can you help me to understand what is the meaning behind some key photos that had appeared namely with you during what I can here call the Syria crises and the eventually of the use of chemical weapons that I had comment in a great detail in the last videos masters sequence.
Among many key images of this complex line, that are two with you in Portuguese newspapers that still puzzling me, the second one, is the one that is puzzling more, because it reflects an image that I had taken in Viana do Castelo, where upper a structure, like a bridge, surround with two small lakes, we see a child shoe on what seems to be a kind of rail.
In your image, we see you, walking out of Casa Branca, and a very similar structure is projected was a shadow in the floor, one of your feet’s in the freeze is like telling, about a feet (Mr. Fettes, Luxemburg) that was eventually crash a child, this lecture is also reinforce by the worry that is reflected in your face, of a certain worry.
The other image appears first if I remember well by memory, and is a kind of close up on you, also with an impressive expression and both hands like whore coming closer, or closing a subject.
As you know there are many lines on my book of life concerning feet’s, namely one that appears some years ago also in a beach of north of Portugal where also Viana do Castelo is and of course this two images from you, can fit in an overall sense of deaths, and even a small child dead.
Then the overall context of this sequence of images, under the umbrella of Syria crises, that do not dismiss the possible reality concerning at least some facts that had coming around on medias, also reflects by the time line of events itself, one of the lasts crimes that was committed against me of compulsory internment, where also chemical whore used, and as you Mr. president has say, there was a main question about the credibility
of the world, of course also around the use or not, of chemical weapons.
Many other details on other mains images of this sequence, mainly coming from America, reinforces by the synchronicity itself, the existence of other deeper levels on this “message”, like for instance the photo with you, Michele, Carter and Clinton with Lincoln behind, that whore also at least used in some steps of the apparently or not synchronism (sic on rin is sm) or synchronization to obtain certain lectures.
As you know I’m fighting for the truth concerning my son that was stolen from me in the year of 2005 that I do not know until now if is indeed my son in blood, and many dark possibilities still open, namely, the exchange at birth, or even his dead and these facts strangely as I had explain in great detail seem be connected with many others correlate with the fall of the towers in NY.
Can you enlighten me, Mr. President?
I will try to explain this in a video editing, but as you know, this last weeks, the informatics attacks against me and my work happened all the days, namely to impeach this explanations and questioning, and all these recent criminals acts make me suspect that they are preparing another chemical attack on me, probably with another crime of compulsory internment.
Today morning I had receive the visit of a police man, that was delivering in hand my document with my crime complaint, my arguments, the book and the pen, (gun) with the videos included, that I had sent to the judge that had cover this crime against me, and a dispatch not even signed from someone of the court, 5º Juizo, (Júlio, says the automatic corrector) 2ª secção of Lisbon, and this is by itself an illegal way to proceed as they had done in the past. I also stress that until today I do not even received from this court the posts, CTT, confirmation that my documents above mentioned had indeed arrive there, and as all know, this kind of crimes has been a constant during all this years that this crime against me, my son and many others, is going on. (That seems also the name of a company, Ongoing, with very strange stories all during decades as known in public domain)
With my bests regards
Paulo Forte, father of Francisco forte
Under the documents that the police bring to me this morning, 25 10 2013
Apparently there is also a stamp of the court on the first page of my document, the thir image on this sequence, but that until today I do not even received from this court the posts, CTT, confirmation that my documents above mentioned had indeed arrive there,
Lisbon 25 10 2013
Under the documents that the police bring to me this morning, 25 10 2013
Apparently there is also a stamp of the court on the first page of my document, the thir image on this sequence, but that until today I do not even received from this court the posts, CTT, confirmation that my documents above mentioned had indeed arrive there,
quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2013
terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013
some facts around the birth of my son , revisioned extract
The facts concerning the birthday are wrote on book of life and also there is a recent summary in video, part three at the child blog of a conspiracy crime, accusation, acts of torture against my son. (2)
Synopsis of the facts
3.1- date of birth, eventual change, place of birth
The birth occurred at 18 February 2000 according the official register, birth certificate, but by memory I think that the day was the 17Th. This can have a clear criminal purpose to abstain posterior check of the truth concerning these facts. The crime of changing registers is a constant at all the levels of this crime. (3)
The birth was at the hospital near Restelo, S. Francisco Xavier, here there are also some facts quoted in book of life, namely, SIC TV connection, journalist, Alberta Fernandes, and the dead of two children’s in an Aqua Parque, which also means by recent lines of analyze, Restelo and AV. de Roma connections with this last draws on my blog Sea Matters. (4)
3.2- the doctors birth team, the chose, the questions and doubts during the birth act
Teresa chose it by what she explain to me, it was the best doctor and the best equip, namely anesthetist, field where apparently, the first problem during birth arise, as I asked after the doctors, they say that they give too much substances on the epidural anesthesia, but true or not, this of course had change also the perception of Teresa during the birth. There whore to woman’s in the same room to have birth at the same time, Teresa and another one.
if a remember well, they also change the order on the woman’s that whore to give birth, this can have something with posterior disguises changes on registers.
As the contrary that was previous arrange they did not me allow to enter the room of the birth, claiming medical reasons, that they need to cut her, and a curtain was pulled, closing me the view of the birth, I only see the baby for a brief instant before living that room and after in a bed among many other baby’s,
looking back, I do not believe that the reason the lady doctor at the birth claim to prevent me to enter the room, whore real, in the sense, justify by medical reasons, because I know, this kind of cut is a normal thing to do at birthdays
Then Teresa was taken for a room and I wait to see her, at the entrance on that floor, services of gynecology if a remember well the name, was already night, no one inside, but in the atrium, a couple, a young lady, and a boy that told me that they whore there by another girl that enter the urgency service, but I never saw this apparently third one. The one with I spoke at that moment say to me that her name was Reina, I asked her if she was from the family of the Portuguese ex ambassador in Madrid that I know from the time that I as shooting the documentary, Me llamo Madrid, she tell she was not, later the spirit told me that she worked or was connected with TVI, another private television, she is the same type, of the lady in the VIP, the club, photo, 98, 99 expo, with stars in her face. (5)
I only see Francisco with the mother the next day, and I felt Teresa strange, I say to myself, perhaps this kind of so call depression after birth, but I still have doubts about it, which is another way to say, that I had at that point the impression that she already know that something was done, or happened, or say to her by third one concerning the birth.
- Key and complementary interpretations
Key: The first double of the English Bach King, must be a musician, id circle of the not made by the bell of a certain Ive cross, he, (Ive, Brazilian lady that live in London, and me here for two concerts, strange notes on them in book of life, passport lines, like a spy line with an ambassador, at Cascais concert) queen son of the doctor at the birth, circle Sala, RR, catholic radio group from Porto, that prevent me to enter the room. A certain Ju, Juliet, from the If group, that also means, Cristina Coutinho, perhaps a cousin, delta of the second lady of the Di, princess, of NS, North south, TVI group, son, or “Nossa Selecção”, group from the DN Magazine. The first one from the bec, bico use knows this. Kin from the square of the circle of the cut Isa first Norma, (GB reel name) from the NS man, English.
As seems proved in the cut of the paragraphs above, there is a real connections, but the question for me, is, if this was not due medical reason as they pretend, the answer seems fit in the exchange process possibility, because if I was inside the room, first I had saw Francisco coming out, which means, I had for from that moment a possibility of recognize him, and second, perhaps I will be with him during the process of washing and id, that was also by this reason, veil at my eyes
- Key
Key: The english ace from the NS Sé, he, the pro of the egg of the teacher of the lady doctor, din of the cut, from circle of the FT. he, para, = (Special Forces) of the public relations of the ph. which means the ac id December, the AB of the egg there (hospital).
The meaning on the upper paragraph, Key, says that the teacher of the lady doctor that was carrying the birth, had prepared the problem in the anesthesia expressly to provoke a need of cutting Teresa, and by this form, as they had done, justify that I do not enter the room. This seems logical for a non-expert, because the consequence of the pass done on anesthesia had taken the force of Teresa that a normal birth requires. This seems had been executed by someone in behalf of the teacher, a professional from the FT circle, apparently a “paraquedista”, or someone with professional training is this field, army forces, that seems also be implied on the creation of the AC in December, that is the month of the tsunami 2005.
This also seems logic in sum with what I stated namely in one of the texts on this sequence, prove in reverse, where I state that unknown peoples and groups had charge me for this tragedy.
- Key
Is from the Isa of the first one from Real, name of group dance, or Spain, Madrid. circle on neck from ti un clef circle NS but, circle he question for major me , is, if FT circle, can be a certain Patrick of a serpent use Kin, hi SW ace not td square from the UE medical queen son NS, dp hat they, Sala rio, Porto ten square, and dt he first dp n sw, é rat sé, é ms, fit, int. circle he exchange process, bec firts use if I dp ace in nin serpent ide the room, fi rs circle I man from the ad from the saw fr from the anc, or anca, hip, from SIC sico circle co da min ingles circle vase circle, which me first one from NS , first man from ad ff room (Fernandes Ferreira from DN), the first one from for, use, circle hat mome, museum from the english NT , ap of the os from the sibil of the bil it, delta circle fr, rec o gn ize him, and sec on square, action planning made by the man of the first one lady from PS. I will be wit man him of the ring of the process, o f dp ace man ingles, Andy DD id DT circle hat dp ace NS serpent teo ob delta circle, energy, is son of the queen of Vasp, journals distribution group, vase IE of the milf milk of the process on my eyes attacks
The third part of this key, gives among many details, what seems be clears ids and connections that allow a precise identification of this man and the group, or at least, part of the group behind. Also say that this man is the one implied on the exchange of the baby at the birth, acting in the births room in behalf of a USE financial, a man that is the “hip” of a French saw, from ANC, or hip of the first man sico from SIC TV communication group, from Balsemão, from PSD as Cavaco Silva, co da “witch” of the first man from NS, DN group, also media group, or NS as North South organization that is highly implied on the battle for the new world order in this last decade at least, if from NS as Nossa Selecção, from the AD, which mean PSD group from the Fernando Ferreira, a journalist of the DN group with many references on book of life, as DN, that is large implied on this crime of conspiracy, and namely with a clear branch with USE, from a circle of museum, appears one precisely name, MOME, a man with connections with the operative systems of a bill, perhaps bill Clinton, Sybil, or a first bi sexual of this group of museums, (bill here as image type have a correlation with Abílio Martins which also connect with Silvia from Porto, and by extension EUA, Amy), that this man have also connections with english NT, or north commander, which seems fit and sum in the partial id of NS organizations, that the action planning of the exchange of my baby at birth as done by the first lady of the Socialist party, I presume here in Portugal, which also confirm what I have been stating for all this years, that both major parties are implied on this conspiracy and protecting between themselves, that the man of that lady form socialist party is the one of the ring of the process, which seems translate, for a side, the one with connections with the courts here, namely at the family and miners court of Lisbon, and by other side, the ring, as an object, well explained in this long analyze concerning this crime, that also connect USE, perhaps is name will be , Andy, connected with DD , development technologies groups, which seems logic fit, in the sense that many robbers occurs in this field, that the id of the DT , dynamic tracking, process of creation of movement general speaking, is the circle of the mason hat ace from the NS serpent, the god of the OB delta circle energy, and that is the son of the queen of Vasp, journals distribution group, and also the vase of IE connected with the attacks on my vision done by a milf milk , that seems also connected with a recent image of a lady doctor with a n eyes protection mask on recent days, comment in this last videos published at this date, 21 10 2013, that by the reading seems be also the doctor lady connected with the birth act. See reference the “a doutora da cona” case.
This key also shows, the presence of an international network with branches, eventually in Spain, maybe Madrid, the financial man of a financial circle with connections with America and a lady like Kin, or Kin as real nickname of Cristina Coutinho, that seems had been the energy of the knot of SW, which translate for a side, Tsunami 2005 and for other, a music festival here organize by the genre of the criminal president, Cavaco Silva, an European doctor, apparently a Lady, that is the “queen“, perhaps the spouse, of a NS son, or a NS son, which translate in North South Organization groups, and Nossa Selecção, DN group, someone connected with a deep penetration of a young lady from Porto, eventually connected with RR group or in a more abroad sense, catholic groups
The first lady of the socialist party then can be Maria Barroso, spouse of the criminal Mario Soares, head of the socialist bandits where in Portugal, ex-president, member of the third international and with connections with the NS world organization. This Lady fit well this criminal role, as all in Portugal Know that she is implied on another exchange of child’s, in this case, “The Esmeralda Case”, a custody exchange prepared and also by her past connected with case Casa Pia and child abuse in Portugal, and this family is the responsible from the school “College Moderno”, where Francisco was, that is proved is also implied on this crime.
The paragraph under was the original paragraph on this text concerning the exchanged date of birth of my son, or daughter at the hospital and I still maintain it, by the key that it was show at the moment that I wrote it.
- – concerning the eventual crime of change birth register
Difficult to say now after all this years, but I still think that Francisco was born the day seventeen of February 2000 and not in the day eighteen as the register say, this conviction say to me two things, that they had change the date to perhaps change the register in the hospital, and, the first one of the Sete, Projornal group, the 18 degree, mason, perhaps the one that have done it, and also I know by the spirit that after they had change again the official registers concerning the him.
3.3. 4 Key
Key : square if fi cult to say no w a ft e r a ll this, y e ars, SS, but I still, t man ink t hat fr anc isco w as bor the dat seve en teen of fe br u ary and not in the day ei gt man teen as the regi st ter sa y, t hi s c on vic ti on sa y tome t w o t man ings, t hat they man ad c h ange, t he dat to per man a ps c h ange the regis te rin the ho s pitas l, and dt he first one , o ft he, sete, gro up, the 18 degree, a am ama son, them connected with the first one from group sete, projornal, ama of the manha, also port guesa from group word, for pass, per from the man of the AP from PS, the one cross mason man AVE, catholic, from the group one it , the lace of the first one cover of the no responsible of DP “BT, Transit Brigade Police GNR” BT cross, he, spy rite cross hat first one FT, and rat reel time they , man ad Swiss angel a gain, cross he circle f bird from a Cila from Regi ( TVI company) STE, union workers spectacle rat responsible of the SC, synchronism, on se rat english nin, him
In the key above, is reinforced some of the partial ids coming from uppers keys, like, the connection and active participation of the PS man, where AP, decline also and for this reason can sum, in “Associação do Porto de Lisbon”, or from Porto as north city of this country, a connection with the group One IT, the first one from the old newspaper “Sete”, from the editorial group “Projornal”, and what seems perhaps be a more complex line, that also links some lady, perhaps a young lady from the “House of Goa” from the group Word, group of poets and Al Berto also killed some large years ago, that the delta serpent is the serpent, a lady, from AR, parliament, or company of telecom, from SS, that have mainly two meanings in my book of life, as the name of the PS lawyer (INP) implied on the crime of robber of my son Francisco, Vera Adão e Silva or someone behind her, or SS, as translation of a Nazi one, that eventually is from the FT circle of the ex Sete journal, then probably from Projornal group todays.
quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2013
the outrageous confession of the criminal psychiatric Cabral Fernandes
this video is the outrageous confession of the criminal psychiatric Cabral Fernandes that is involved on the crime of compulsory internment they had commit against me in May 2013, in this phone conversation in 2012, he say to me "that exist all a machine oiled against me" and that in his opinion was better that I gave up, fighting from my son and my self
segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2013
424 17 10 2012 crime complaint, the fall of entre rios bridge
remembering an old killing that had conduct almost one hundred peoples to death and the criminal behavior of justice bodies and old concerning the cover of this crime. After all this years justice still wait
380 E 20 8 2012 pedro p coelho and all authorities, crime complaint, up date deny of proper health c
an accusation at 20 08 2013 against the actual PM, Pedro Passos Coelho for attempt of murder and deny of proper health care as normal in this corrupted country without any answer until now
sábado, 12 de outubro de 2013
564 M 09 10 2013 rui machete minister, cavaco silva president, economic crimes and at date mystification
segundo informação neste vídeo, o país vai pagar mais de 5 mil milhões de euros pelo buraco das fraudes cometidas durante anos no Banco Português de Negócios. Nesta campanha, Cavaco Silva não condenou os administradores que afundaram o banco. São os mesmos que deram a ganhar à sua família 357 mil euros no esquema de acções para os amigos da SLN, cinco anos antes do banco ser nacionalizado.
some examples of the corruption in portuguese parliament
if truth these facts, this became a criminal accusation against the mentioned for state corruption. with a demand for immediate suspension of the mandats and demission
sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2013
other pieces of my accusation about informatic crimes published today at my blog inside crimes at the links under
terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2013
domingo, 6 de outubro de 2013
sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2013
quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2013
two extracts of the XPS document recent published
two extracts ofthe XPS document recent published which is the possible at this
moment concerning all the documents concerning one of the most dark
facets of this crime against me and my son and many others, the crime
that I characterize, as crime of robber, abuse and torture against my
son and me done through the Portuguese state, and namely through the
court of family and miners of Lisbon. Also in these extracts, in the
second, the prove of the active participation of the catholic roman
church on this crime, I also stress that in the recent videos masters
published in this blog, there are new elements concerning Maddie
extract, from the introduction of the document
Cronologia e documentos de suporte
trocados com o tribunal de família e menores de Lisboa, e terceiras
entidades, com digitalização dos documentos originais, e pelo menos
uma dúvida em relação em relação a um específico com a sentença
do tribunal, auto da chamada conferência de reconciliação, pois
como visível nas cópias, aqui neste documento incluídas, parece
apontar que terceira parte, traficou as fotos, retirando parte desta
sentença. Isto é detectável pois as duas folhas aqui inclusas, tem
como poderão verificar, duas linhas horizontais mais ou menos a meio
de cada folha e a segunda delas, tem um objecto gráfico, constituído
por dois pontinhos, e um outro com três, ou seja também este
pormenor, indicia que houve manipulação sobre as minhas
digitalizações dos documentos originais.
Pois trago memória, como o
escrevi nas alegações, que no auto da chamada conferência de
conciliação, a juíza Maria Luísa Duarte, regulou inclusivamente,
as férias, ou seja ainda, outorgou na conferência de conciliação
quase tudo que a requerente, a mãe, tinha pedido, o que por si só
como explicado foi também um dos crimes neste iníquo crime de roubo
acto de tortura e abuso de meu filho menor e de mim mesmo.
Para a juíza Maria Luísa Duarte,
e para os advogados, Vera adão e Silva e Pedro Dias Ferreira, peço
uma condenação de vinte e cinco anos de cadeia.
Como sabeis, este crime de
manipulação de provas e evidências, adulteração e inclusive
roubo não só das digitalizações como de originais, ou parte
deles, como aconteceu no documento das minhas alegações tem sido
constante ao longo de todos estes anos, e coberto por todas as
autoridades, que faz delas cúmplices nestes crimes. Muitos destes
documentos aqui integrados foram pelo menos digitalizados três
vezes, pois sempre os apagaram dos meus arquivos, e tal levanta a
suspeição se não o terão feito para também para irem alterando
os originais.
Estas adulterações em todo o
tipo de documentos e registos não só os meus, mas igualmente como
detectado nos próprios organismos de estado visam também em forma
sistemática ao longo dos anos que este crime que continua à espera
de justiça, dificultar o apuramento da verdade.
O último ponto, são cópias,
anteriormente já publicadas no Ouro sobre azul, do aparente despacho
de arquivamento por parte do DIAP, de queixa-crime por mim
apresentada na Procuradoria-Geral da República, contra Maria Teresa
Figueiredo de Carvalho e terceiros por rapto e roubo de meu filho
Todas as outras queixas a todas as
entidades judiciais, judiciárias, governos, assembleia da república,
tribunal constitucional, e supremo, como sabeis, nunca foram
respondidas até esta data.
Como é do conhecimento público,
as minhas alegações apresentadas ao tribunal de família e menores
de Lisboa desentranhadas pela juíza, isto é, não aceites, ou seja,
me foi negado a mim o direito elementar de defesa e mais grave de
defender uma criança menor, o meu filho.
E só este facto diz tudo do
crime, das intenções e dos processos.
Paulo forte
21 01 2013
5- 22 03 2006 - DA CHAMADA SESSÃO
22 DE MARÇO DE 2006
Os textos que ao longo destes anos
escrevi no meu livro da vida, ouro sobre, sobre
este passo deste crime através do tribunal de família e menores,
foram apagados pelos criminosos e terroristas.
Me recordo desse tremendo dia no
tribunal que está sediado num edifício que inicialmente se
destinava a escritórios ou algo similar, como é vezeiro, na justiça
em Portugal, um edifício com estrutura metálica negra em sua
fachada, de esquina, próximo da maternidade Alfredo da Costa, a mais
antiga maternidade de Lisboa, e uma torre das mais antigas e Lisboa,
o Penta Hotel.
Me começaram por fazer esperar
uma hora, num corredor com cadeiras a que chamam de sala de espera,
depois apareceu alguém que chamou o meu nome, e de repente estava
num quarto estreito, com talvez cinco cadeiras em fila disposta
contra uma das paredes, talvez a 30 centímetros uma secretaria, onde
a criminosa juíza Maria Luísa Duarte estava sentada, e por detrás
dela talvez um metro atrás, contra a parede um homem que durante a
sessão toda não se mexeu, como uma esfinge, um homem que vim a
reconhecer depois, quando pela memoria voltei aquela sala de forma a
perceber as manhas criminosas preparadas que ali foram feitas e que
no momento pensei ser um secretário da juíza ou do tribunal.
Pela chamada entraram nesse
quarto, cinco pessoas, duas delas que eu não conhecia, e isto faz
parte dos processos criminosos propositados, pois a impressão que
tive, foi que entrara para uma sala que nem seria aquela onde a
chamada conferência se iria dar, como uma antecâmara onde as
identificações ou algo do género nos iam ser pedidas.
Fui o último a entrar, e nas
cadeiras se sentaram a meu lado, duas jovens mulheres, depois a
Teresa Figueiredo de Carvalho, e ao lado dela o advogado Pedro Dias,
que também não conhecia nessa altura, e quando me apercebi que era
ali que se ia realizar a conferencia, perguntei depois, quem eram as
duas que ali estavam, sentadas a meu lado, ao que me responderam que
eram duas estagiárias, mas não perguntou a juíza, se as partes,
autorizavam a presença de estagiários ou de qualquer outra pessoa
alheia ao processo, o que é crime em si mesmo.
Passado uns anos, fez se me então
luz, sobre quem era a personagem que se encontrara por detrás da
juíza o tempo todo calado e sem se mover, foi aliás, a memória
deste pormenor, que me levou a reflectir sobre quem ele seria, pois
se fosse um secretário, teria tomado notas durante a conferência,
coisa que não fez, e portanto por dedução lógica, a presença
dele ali, visou outros objectivos.
E se me fez luz, porque depois
deste crime de oficialização do roubo de meu filho e do acto de
tortura contra ele e contra mim, apareceu esse homem a escrever
semanalmente no jornal diário DN, numa coluna de opinião sobre
assuntos de religião, pois aparentemente é padre, seu nome, Anselmo
Borges, e isto é muito grave e indiciador da tremenda e complexa
montagem que desde sempre esteve por detrás deste processo para me
roubarem o filho, pois um padre, não podia ali estar, por detrás de
uma juíza.
Ou seja, como provei em diversos
outros pontos desta acusação, um mesmo modus faciendi, se deu neste
crime como em muitos outros constantes ao longo de toda a minha vida,
um homem que prefigurou um ataque bem-sucedido contra a minha pessoa,
aparece depois de algum tempo curto, “promovido”, neste caso a
escriba regular do DN, jornal amplamente provado que se encontra
profundamente envolvido neste crime, a comentar religião, com a
clara agravante, também diversas vezes provada em minha escrita ao
longo destes anos, num estranho pingue-pongue, eco das minhas
próprias reflexões escritas sobre estes temas, como da mesma
maneira, um mesmo sempre se passou em relação a outro escribas
desse criminoso jornal, como Mário Soares e Adriano Moreira, no
campo das minhas reflexões sobre questões politicas, onde a
apropriação indevida, roubo intelectual, tem também sido constante
ao longo destes anos após o roubo de meu filho.
E isto é também uma das provas
que a igreja católica romana está envolvida na preparação e no
roubo de meu filho e nos crimes consequentes que tem feito contra mim
e ele, e muitos mais no mundo, e de igual modo, pelas outras ligações
deste criminoso, Anselmo Borges, nomeadamente no campo político,
socialistas, e ao que sei, antes de mais, a um grupo de uma
ex-deputada do partido socialista, já falecida, Natália Correia, ao
grupo que se chamou de Mátria, e por extensão a um outro criminoso,
também acusado neste crime por diversas razões, inclusive atentados
terroristas, Manuel Alegre, demonstra ainda o que sempre afirmei e
venho provando ao longo destes anos todos, da existência de uma
estranha transversal aliança de muitas forças de natureza distinta,
algumas delas aparentemente com propósitos distintos e nas vezes,
mesmo aparentemente antagónicos, neste crime de conspiração.
Como também fiz prova pública no
meu Livro da Vida, este padre, Anselmo Borges, foi inquirido
publicamente diversas vezes sobre a participação dele neste crime e
especificamente pela presença dele na sessão de conciliação do
tribunal de família e menores, e da mesma forma, provei pela
publicação da acusação entregue em mão e do respectivo recibo da
sua recepção, à hierarquia da igreja católica apostólica romana
de Portugal, no seu representante máximo, Policarpo, e ao Papa em
Roma, e a ausência de toda e qualquer resposta durante estes anos
todos, claramente prova o envolvimento destas entidades neste crime.
É me evidente, como agora o foi
de novo ao escrever este texto que a figura do padre Anselmo Borges,
pela própria factualidade aqui descrita, o que estava como uma
esfinge por detrás da juíza Maria Luísa Duarte, pode ainda
traduzir uma outra imagem, como um espelho, de um outro, Anselmo
Rodrigues, juiz, a quem eu conheci, através do filho Pedro
Rodrigues, também uma das camas da Teresa Figueiredo de Carvalho
como pelo espírito o entendi alguns anos mais tarde, ou seja ainda
em soma, se verdadeiro este espelho, teria então que concluir que o
Juiz Anselmo Rodrigues, pai do Arquitecto Pedro Rodrigues, uma das
camas de Teresa Figueiredo de Carvalho, terá sido o, ou um dos,
ocultos mandantes do crime de oficialização do roubo e abuso de meu
filho e de mim mesmo através do tribunal de família e menores e
Lisboa, e por esta suspeita, se apresenta queixa-crime contra todos
os individuais e entidades colectivas, aqui mencionados, com excepção
da falecida, por participação activa neste crime de conspiração.
E esta possibilidade, a ser real,
em soma com outros factos e indícios constantes no meu Livro da
Vida, descobertos ao longo desta análise, aponta ainda uma relação
do grupo do Anselmo Rodrigues, com pelo menos duas grandes tragédias
mundiais, as bombas em Londres e antes, o Tsunami em 2005.
De igual modo, esta relação com
Anselmo e Pedro Rodrigues, prova também o envolvimento de maçónicos
neste crime, e estende as relações a Pedro Marques Lopes, como se
pode entender no Livro da Vida, ou seja ainda, prova também que este
crime de roubo e abuso de meu filho e de mim próprio é feito por um
grupo que sempre me tentou tramar, desde décadas.
Friso contudo, que se por um lado
está provado ad infinitum, que todos os conspiradores tem usado ao
longo destes anos todos na manutenção do crime, a criação e
gestão de um continuo e complexo jogo de espelhos e véus,
recorrendo sistematicamente a manipulação da opinião publica,
através de grandes e constantes, meios de comunicação a todos os
níveis, tal visa por um lado a manutenção do próprio crime, e
ainda um segundo grau de propósito, alimentar desta forma, as
constantes guerras que os distintos grupos entre eles fazem, usando a
minha defesa em defesa de meu filho, inclusive muitas vezes como arma
de arremesso entre eles próprios, que muitas das vezes respinga para
terceiros, inclusive em larga escala, isto é, criando largas
matanças, e que como também provado ad infinitum, uma omerta, entre
todos eles existe e é partilhada, e que nenhum, friso, nenhum, de
nenhum grupo a qualquer nível que entenda grupo, alguma vez durante
estes anos todos, me deu uma resposta clara sobre o que fosse
relativo a este imenso crime, ou seja, traduzindo, não posso nem
pode algum tribunal, considerar algum deles ou partes, totalmente
inocentes nestes jogos de espelhos e véus e consequentes tragédias
que tem originado por todo os lados do mundo.
Toda a chamada sessão de
conciliação do tribunal de família e menores, foi um crime em si
mesma, como o provei, nos textos em que abordo os particulares desta
matéria, incluídos também no documento sobre este ponto, “o
crime de oficialização do roubo e acto de abuso e tortura sobre meu
filho menor e sobre mim, através do estado português, e
especificamente através do tribunal de família e menores de
Friso ao tribunal que no meu livro
da vida se encontram, ou encontravam, analises detalhadas sobre a
teia dos conspiradores neste acto criminoso feito pelo e através do
tribunal de família e menores, nomeadamente com um dos Procuradores
Gerais da República, Pedro Antunes, da Maria Rui e do grupo intimo
do Sócrates, PS, que são passiveis de investigação, e
consequentemente poderão esclarecer com outra profundidade não só
este crime como muitos outros conexos.
Paulo forte
23 01 2013
Anexo aqui, uma das chaves de
partes das análises relativas a estas matérias.
…Porque vos manteis no silencio
iníquo e culpado face à acusação que contra vós proferi que
abrigais sobre vossa protecção um que se diz padre, certamente do
diabo, que dá pelo nome de Anselmo Borges, e que como aqui o disse
esteve presencialmente envolvido ao lado da falsa juíza Maria Luísa
Duarte do segundo juízo da família e menores de Lisboa, puta
mandada por um outro corrupto vergado da Procuradoria-Geral da
república que dá pelo nome de Pedro Antunes…
Português do quadrado vaso é
vaso do os do homem da te do is do no do silencio em ni da divisão
io, é cu do primeiro pado da face da primeira da acusação, ac do
aço co do cu da usa do ac da são do quadrado da UE do contra vaso
do ó spor rf eri do quadrado da EU, do ab ao br rig gais serpente do
ob da re vaso sio do os da sa da porte tec do Cortez, o elevado cão,
um do quadrado da UE da se da da di do zorro do padre, da se da rta
em Net do diabo, quadrado do vaso é acento da primeira da ap puta do
elo do no da mede do Anselmo Borges, eq da UE do CM, circulo aqui,
circulo Di serpente da se da espanhola da teve, a do pré da SEC do
ia da al lem nt, e, maçónico, do en vol vaso id do circulo do cão
lado da daf da al da sada da Juíza da Maria Rui, PS, puta mor, que
me conhece desde o tempo do D. Dinis e da entourage próxima do
Sócrates, luís Duarte, do circulo da se da pistola do Jó, é zo da
forte da ani do primeiro do ia, é homem co do circulo dos ratos
espanhóis de lis boa, puta do homem dada português, um outro cor do
Ru da PT do circulo da Vera, a puta juíza mandada do filho da puta
abusador mor, Mário Soares, gata do circulo do corruptor, o da
Procuradoria-Geral da república quadrado vaso cruz, é, quadrado da
primeira do acento, a puta do elo do no da mede do Pedro Antunes, o
corrupto da Procuradoria-Geral da república portuguesa
(publicado no Ouro Sobre Azul)
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