My name is paulo miguel forte, I live at lisbon in portugal, I have been prosecute for many by different reasons almost all my life, for the last 9 years I have my young child stolen, abuse and subject to torture as me, all my rights have been denied to all authorities in Portugal, including the right of claim and defense, I don t have any knowledge of any official accusation against me during this time
terça-feira, 28 de novembro de 2017
The crimes on electricity and not only
the video under, I show again the constant blinking lights at my
office, that still going on and had as result again last week to
broke a lamp, and this is again the one thousand proof, on the
illegal access and control of the electricity home networks, and i m
sure this only can be with the knowledge and consent of my father
as described on last saga text of these constant crimes, that aim not
only my disbelief, but also part of the criminal strategies of
robber on my son and his maintenance, as my slavery.
I remember all, that my father if my father worked previous on the
Portuguese public electricity company, EDP.
instance this time, my mam come saturday and bring the letter of fake
letter that is also published under in this blog, where I explain for
the one thousand times, these crimes, act in a strang way that show
to me immediatly, there is something wrong now, with this apparently
and again needed on urgent reading, and the first ideia that cames to
my mind, is if they used the hand write numbers to change the sheets
on my actual manuscript that they had suceed, it seems to change
meanwhile, as notice and described before, im speaking about the
actual manuscript on london bombs and not only.
also as this time of the crimes timeline, they had impeach me in all
the possible ways to work and published, they had even change the
google password access, and this I will believe was done by illegal
entrance at my home, and each day more I believe that this crimes, is
also done with the agreement of my father, because the paper wit the
password was on my wallet, where again during these last weeks they
also succeed to robber some money as recurrent crime during more
then 10 years.
m starting asking myself with they have obliged my father in a kind
of criminal agreement like for instance to give to a thief all my
work online and this can explain whay they always robber the the
external drives with the all my works. As you all know I believe and
sustain that ione of the major motivations for this crimes, is pure
robber of all my live and patrimony
lifter crime
I try to phone the company that runs the bulding, the phone number
that is on a card at the entrance door, says that do not attend, wich
menas they have planified all this at the detail and the lifter
still always disrregulated between florrs, and one of the purpose are
to brake again my knees, due the heigth that I must carry in the
charriot and the position to put and take it off, the charriot from
the lifter.
suppose saw Francisco mother in the surrondings
the same time as usual they robber a lot of information, and also it
seems that I have saw Francisco mother in this surroundings, one of
this days, in a Citroen c3 blue car, then the sum for me, at least
in suspicion terms, is always the same, these terrorists still have
my father curved to they interests and this can be done only by
blackmail or worst, is actively participating on this crime of
robber of my son and decurrent slavery, one thing at this point is
sure, entrances at my home, after infecting, doping, are always
connected with robbers of information's and not only.
robber of a bed shoe at my home and a complex as usual preppared and
display scene
last weekend when they both had come to my home, at a certain point
my father say if a have buy new boots, a terms as you all know is in
the table by many values and meanings, and of course I did not buy
any new boots, but the had previous stolen a sandalia from my house
in the last week before, and this are the constant iniquity and
tremendous affront that i m suggested to live and work from theses last
more then 10 years, and this also says to me, that he already kneed
that some one, if not himself, had succeed to stole one sleeping bed
shoes. Is this a a kind of fiction about love matters and love fights,
point of interrogation, I suppose that the crime itself says clearly
the contrary, these are the Nazi conditions of the life toady in
this Nazi Europe where all he rights including the human rights are not
of course this shoe stolen line had a prepared scene the last
Sunday, after this facts above accounted, at Calvary, which also
means that they obliged him and my mother to active participating on
supermerkt day in blood must I presume
scene started in the Spanish Dia supermarket, with a child with the
equivalent bed shoes, a small child, that was apparently alone, which
is strange enough for it self, he cross me at the cheese and stuffs
like that, and he carry a transparent plastic bag with two small
beard inside, and puzzling me not only by the shoes, because there is
no weather to walk in this way, because he also seems can be
foreigner, and one time, I have see a foreigner lady with the same
shoes in the winter at Lisbon, which means peoples that are used with
others temperatures, or have no money to have good shoes, because he
was alone like suggesting a poor and abandon child, and the bag, with
the two bread was indeed an image of lungs, and in the supermarket
there was also in a cover of one of the bandits newspapers, a new or
fake news of a death of a Portuguese actor by a sudden pulmonary disease,
with a particularity, is one of the actors of the video poetry on
Fernando Pessoa, recent quoted by the destruction of my CD.
the payment, a toll lady a boy, two bottles of water side by side and
a strange action where seems to me hearing, a kind of confession,
that she had done it, missing only to know, what precisely.
the corner, a man all dress in a red suite, a representation of a
devil, a recent term also acted during the crime on cash converter as
accounted in videos around this subject, and in the other corner, a
man that seems act a kind of photograph , like a live session, but
strange by the gesture of the model, if one, the on with the red
the cab scene, a Asiatic young lady looking very attentive the
coming of a cab, also prepared, I suppose, by the cab drive acting,
with a pub on Macau, a strange one because the image, a classic
image of a travelling youngster group, taking a photo of
themselves, was cut by the opening and closing of the cab door,
like suggesting in this ways that the lady, was cut or death. Inside
the cab, also prepared a kind of suggesting by a unidentified object
of a hooker, gancho in gold, behind the back of the back seat.
new attempt of murder on this continuous attempts to murder me
arrived one, and a started with a very and sudden strange pulmonary infection, that I still have, and I suppose that I must also
considered this as one more attempt of murder, and I m asking if this
virus , was not put inside my house when I went shopping, and this
made all the peoples that have illegal access to my home, potential
suspects of these continuous attempts of murder. This are the Nazis reality and condition on a crime of robber of a son and slavery
that no one in this corrupted and Nazi Europe answer
comment on pedro rolo duarte image death published under in the
context od Diana assasination an London bombs at 2007
as usual during this conspiracy, as many images on the newspapers,
for instance the one published under about Pedro Rolo Duarte death
announcement, is a kind of position that symbolize someone that is
speaking to God, or subjected to God will of punishment, must I
presume, in the sense that is death and is death occurs as I have
already explained in part, in the context of London bombs, and the
Albums construction done by Cristina Coutinho that after our relation
had became his wife.
this again a suggestion of incrimination, interrogation, because this
key pad is not working properly, then as must write it.
the video that i m trying to do and published today
show in the upper video, that finally I hope to reach to published
today, and I stress that may be wrong takes by the criminal reasons,
I had try a first encoding on the pc at the internet shop and
everything come out of the sequential order, that normally means
that these fuckers changed the numbers and some time they also profit to cut and re edit some of them, correspond to the footage recorded
just before they kaput all my system and have many subjects
approached namely, the tech summit at Lisbon, the Junker and Marcelo
press conference at Belem images, at the strange fire, the seconds
ones that they claim to have kill 41 persons, Leticia SIC image in
part developed in recent posts, and crimes on or done through
technologies, many of these subjects still incomplete at this point of
my recordings, and then I stay without all the systems, which means
some of the subjects whereby approached will be developed in write
mode , if a still alive and have conditions to do my work. One of the
not concluded line in the video is the taxi driver account after the
fires, one say to me that whore a lot, almost a hundred peoples
arrest apparently consequence of these fires, which do not have any
sense at all, and if true correspond to another reality and of
course a criminal lie
sustain my criminal accusation against all the Portuguese and
European institutions, by actively participating on the crime of
robber of my son, in these constant attempts of murder and my
slavery, and I charge all them by these suspicions, as I m doing from
2011 with any answers.
demand the full respect of human rights, the rights of myself and my
son and the answers that are to us according the law
sexta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2017
suppose they still have reel time access to what Im writing, perhaps
by these Nazis reasons they inflicted me pains for enter during the
abnormal sleep by these constant conditions from more then
10 years, because I just saw today cover of the bandits associations Publico, prince Harry with a totally different face, much more mince then
in these last already in part comment apparition with him or a a
aliases, namely the books elevation in HM palace and with Obama atthe Canadian game for disables, or something in the kind but also
invisible as I have comment. And of course there is a reason according
my actual writing that is not published until now, to present him
with this mince face, more close indeed to the father prince Charles,
which means they are as usual mounting very tricky sub themes of
analyzes with his image also, trying to fish in these Nazis ways
also now just realize the death of Pedro Rolo Duarte, ex Cristina Coutinho spouse and father of child's with her, also when i m writing on London matters, bombs on 2007 and again returning to the CC albums 91 92, just remark yesterday that some of the sheets are again missing from my home
este teclado esta deconfigurado. hoje me dirigi a cash converter onde comprei o ACER em 2 |mao, nao aceitaram a entrega do pc alegando quebra de garantia, os selos, estavam quebrados, como eu lhes informo na carta e tambem em voz esta tarde na loja pinheiro chagas.
da meta linguagem da perversidade deste crime sempre presente em todos os meus passos.
quando cheguei perguntei pelo Francisco que fora o vendendor que mo vendeu, que nao estva nessa loja, mas em outra, no final de novo perguntei, me disseram em Benfica, mas no armazem, e isto uma indirecta sobre uma morte, pergunta, vista que tambem nao tem pontos de interrogacao, este teclado,
primeiro um ao balcao, que me disse ser o gerente ou quase e a final nao era, pois me disse que tinha de ir la baixo,na loja para falar com o gerente, creio que como de costume tudo preparado, isto e , sabiam bem que eu la ia. depois o computador esteve com a carta um temppo anormal para o que seria de esperar, ou seja provavelmente o abriram, e se calhar trocaram alguma peca.
como sabeis e o explico em minucia na carta, este crime e um roubo de informacao previligiada, e de impedimento da minha acusacao nomeadamente as figuras criminosas,e esclavagistas e assassinas dos orgaos comunitarios envolvidos nestes crimes ha mais de dez anos, provavelmente uma operacoa das secretas europeias ou de outras secretas ou meias secretas quaisquer.
de igual modo o que parece sempre ser um jogo de medicao de stress, em forma discreta com a particiapcao de muitos, depois obviamente de ester estado quase toda a noite sem dormir devido as dores deste ultimo atentado contra minha vida, que como sempre nao tem respostas de nenhuma das figuras nazis europeias, vos recordo que antes de me terem deitado a baixo o sistema, estava eu a recordar vos os crimes no parlamento europeu, e o SOS que em 2011 se nao me falha a memoria enviei a todas as delegacoes no parlamento, sem resposta ate hoje a mao ser as continuas tentativas de homicido , tortura e esclavagismo.
terça-feira, 21 de novembro de 2017
water company unacceptable answer,
teclado esta desconfigurado
answer if true from the public waters company, EPAL addressed with a
wrong name, Paulo Fonte and not Paulo Forte
say, in this letter after sening my written complaint.
atendendo as razoes expostas emitimos um credito.... mas sao omissos
no que consideram a excecionalidade das razoes, por outro lado nao
assumem as despezas que tive para resolver esta questao, se alguma, a
atender ao resumo dos factos apresentados na minha queixa e
enderecados a eles
previous link on this crime
and the full document
previous link on this crime
and the full document
quinta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2017
After my publishing, the last time I was on this blogger, the time of a new renewal of the free license to work with my editing program which is a crime as described on the past, to my surprise, the codecs whore activated and appears a message on the program saying that there was a new version update. There was no such thing but during the apparently update, they had inject a lot of code on my PC system, I saw around 34 cpu activity in the magic application for a while, that was connected to this cable of the vodafone connection, then after a while, all the system was down and still is.
Of course these constant attacks and impeachment crimes are multilevel purposes, and in this particular one had target, the erase of all my current documents, proofs of their crimes, and the historic of my navigations, namely for instance the apparently bizarre constructions through the image of the en PR and junker in a press conference, and the image on the presence of the queen Leticia from Spain.
I still demand these peoples on jail!
About the constant acts of torture and homicide attenpts, once again they had first infected me, after they dope me, and then they had enter the house, during my sleep and also during my absence.
I deducted they had check or change the lock system on the door, because there was a glue tape there, that was different position when I came home.
I always say, how these peoples can do this in total inpunity, and perhaps with the forced cooperation of my father.
It appears now on the writing, a police, and can be possible, because you all know, again I had stress some of my accusation against the public attorney, and the unanwsers complaints and proofs of their active participation in this crime of international conspiracy, and independent of the fact of being obliged by them, this also makes him accomplish of these crimes of torture, pain and constant attempts of murder.
I also remark that the metal security bar on the kitchen window is cut out, which means that they have entered my absence, cut it, prepared the entrance, or a second way to enter.
My mother just passed home today, 13 11 2017, and she is not normally during the weekend, according to her information last saturday, my father was already out of the hospital in the next monday after the internment as accounted in recent text. This Saturday, I did not see him, my mother says that he was in the car, and today she was alone and did not say anything about him.
In this multilevei attack done by these criminal means, they also had access my current
manuscript, and again they have succeeded to produce changes in the pages numeration.
Which means, at least yesterday I had detected, one page that seems to be a photocopy, first they had changed the paper also at my home as accounted in recent video, and this say, that they robber first some pages, then they changed some and replace with one photocopy where the change numbers and eventually missing content has been meanwhile adulterated.
I can not be 100 sure but it seems that they also robber at least to pen and change by another, and of course they had full access to my pc, which means they have already all the technical numbers that allows them later criminal control.
Some of the aspects of the already partial commentary in last video published of Queen Letizia Tv SIC image can even fit in these recent crimes, I will explain why I sustain this lecture after if I still have the occasion.
Still going on the constant presence of different peoples in the upper rooms, lights blinking, noises of all type during all the night, this are the complementary strategies of torture and aim to facilitate the robber and inducted even rem controls. More than ten years, the NAZI reality of these crimes without any answers to name of this!
Last time that I was at home, also to pass in Amilcar house upper, they start bang really heavy, after when we all cross on the lifter atrium in the building apparently there were two Brazilian workers with him, passing optical fiber, and I what the need of the hammer is, apparently to pass the optical cables which is of course to lie, and show them active participation or obligation on these crimes, and with a surplus, one of them was showing me a light on the phone again without any sense other, that a recent line as you know, within these PS criminals pass around the lecture on water
As you all know I'm writing on England and not only tragedies, and even though these statements may be understood, the visuals, namely with the PT PR, Junker, and Leticia, can fit in some of the current analysis.
These points are again a criminal charge against all the Portuguese and European authorities, by the consent of these crimes and they active participation in them.
Write in 13 11 2017, and not published by impeachment crime. I suppose one of the things that they have still during my sleep,was the password to goggle accounts, and then after they had changed it on line to block my access. Why I say this, because I have also tried the last one, and the information from google was corrected, that the password was changed at the time that I had change it
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