sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2016

I have a group of terrorists in the building or near by

I have a group of terrorist in the building or nearby that are doing continuous criminal efforts to impeach me, namely they disarrange all my video editing during 24h/24 in these last two days.
Two days trying to encode a video with less than two hours and always disarranged.
I won’t these peoples present to a court.

This perhaps have some to do with these recent tragedies.
why. because one of the re4cent works mingles french matters, vogue sub lines

There is a new van on the street. Communications label, wonder communications for already some weeks, perhaps they are the criminals 

Amatrice tem 208 dos 268 mortos causados pelo sismo

in the collapsed buildings in Amatrice, Accumoli, Arquata del Tronto and Pescara del Trontoin central Italy.

Am ma mat rice, Ac cu moli, Arque ata Del T r o nt o and Pesca Cara de lT rat on to in

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similar to Viana do castelo square, factos de banho 96

like the scene see in Nostalgia Tarkovsky movie, the mountai, ape ninos

Tagli alla sanità, Amatrice scappa dal Lazio

the apeninos bahind

The town of Amatrice in Italy 

Photo via Wikimedia Commons

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the missing roseta or circle

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ali , supermer cado s men tar ari fr ru vase tt aria

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some references to mouth of devil comix book

mar negro

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Resultado de imagem

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tv or telephones groups. tel rat socialist  , sov,  broken row

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cole co ll epa cat lio circulo
am ma mat rice

parce uma chave o mapa, codigos da vinci

bridge first A
3 olhos

o cc chi ch hi

Mapa de Amatrice Itália

e cheias no lousiana, eua

numa das paginas online, sarkozy , pela justaposicao das images aponta a torre na vila
ou seja e ainda, o eixo franca italia, bruni ultimo comento

domingo, 21 de agosto de 2016

new crime of adulteration on last under published video

318. new crime of adulteration on last under published video at sea matters. blogspot, a small explanation and 16 key frames 

the video under as all can see in the initial claquete had a total running time of 60:06 and in the upload version that is published under they cut it again and have only a total time of 48:44. then there are missing almost 11 minutes. this reinforce the importance of this contents and they adulteration s

I canot check now on line the adulteration, i just published some key frames, 16 that pearhs can allow all to check