terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2015

the terrorist had change the frame of the above photo, where we see the snake representation and other figures

I c´ant replace it now, because the file is my pen is also adulterated
i will republish it soon 

echo on a recent photo of Cavaco last Friday on the cover of one of the pt newspapers, that connects the seq on LAPA

this will be comment in next video, if one

e mais um tremor de terra anunciado, e mai um (e mai um, assim se grafou neste momento)

todays publishings at SEA MATTERS blog

1.  no ponto196 do SEA MATTERS; paginas 294 a 337 do actual manuscrito onde essencialmente se aborda a matança de Beslan na Rússia mas não só


2. no ponto 197 


sobre passes e quedas de helicopteros, AXA; BCP; PSP e outros


disse-me meu pai à dias, que o cheque visível no link acima, é passível de ser levantado, mas se calhar só num balcão do BCP.

expliquem-me como é que um cheque neste caso do Millenium, que estava passado em meu nome, e antes do nome no impresso do próprio cheque diz - não à ordem, que portanto é relativo ao nome do portador escrito no próprio cheque.

por outro lado, no reverso do mesmo cheque está impresso, não endossável, ou seja o individuo a quem o cheque foi passado não pode levantá-lo, nem endossá-lo, só podendo depositá-lo e como sabeis não trago eu nenhuma conta em nenhum banco, pelas razões deste crime contra mim e meu filho 

one of the covers on news papers approached in the last videos under published, the DN is not on-line, perhaps to impeach this demonstration of the constant crimes of manipulation

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015

1027 M 22 10 2015

1026 M 22 10 2015b

todays post at sea matters blog

posts published at ouro sobre azul, the main blog day 15 10 2015

1025 M 15 10 2015

1022 M 11 10 2015

I suppose that the terrorist had erase this video post, and perhaps they had also change some content, which means this kink of crimes always have purposes

segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2015

1024 M 12 10 2015

1023 12 10 2015

1021M 09 10 2015

1020 06 10 2015

1019 M 06 10 2015

post of today at my blog SEA MATTERS

1. não consigo aceder ao power point e o XPS, sobre as figuras dos painéis japoneses, publicado no ponto 180 do meu blog SEA MATTER, e de igual modo não sei se os terroristas conseguiram esconder o referido e importante documento para a compreensão da queda das torres em NY e de outras tragédias

2. no SEA MATTER, hoje publicado:


the two political hearts of Angela Merkel, sub line by an article published some years already in A Portuguese newspaper that also connect the lines of the pillar of the bridge and the dolphin


2.4  http://seamatter.blogspot.com/2015/10/186-new-pp-about-subjects-that-are.html



sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2015

1017 M 02 10 2015

1017 M 10 20 2015 and other posts

1. first of all the number of the two last videos under published are the 1015 and 1016, and this is the consequence of all the criminal efforts the terrorists are doing to impeach me. two of the last videos are also out of sync, and i had to re intsall the system on my pc all again.

2. published at SEA MATTERS,

3. also a rectification concerning the last pages re published because they had already stole them, they are 22 and not 21 and the date of the summary is 01 10 2015

1. first of all the number of the two last videos under published are the 1015 and 1016, and this is the consequence of all the criminal efforts the terrorists are doing to impeach me. two of the last videos are also out of sync, and i had to re intsall the system on my pc all again.

2. published at SEA MATTERS,

3. also a rectification concerning the last pages re published because they had already stole them, they are 22 and not 21 and the date of the summary is 01 10 2015
1. first of all the number of the two last videos under published are the 1015 and 1016, and this is the consequence of all the criminal efforts the terrorists are doing to impeach me. two of the last videos are also out of sync, and i had to re intsall the system on my pc all again.

2. published at SEA MATTERS,

3. also a rectification concerning the last pages re published because they had already stole them, they are 22 and not 21 and the date of the summary is 01 10 2015