My name is paulo miguel forte, I live at lisbon in portugal, I have been prosecute for many by different reasons almost all my life, for the last 9 years I have my young child stolen, abuse and subject to torture as me, all my rights have been denied to all authorities in Portugal, including the right of claim and defense, I don t have any knowledge of any official accusation against me during this time
domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2015
the connection with the pope image under, this blog on the pt newspaper cover
the scan of Manara comix tthat connect the image of the pope on the recent cover above, the cubic stone of the sea
the post in this blog
and there are the references to Belem as part of Lisbon city and the presidency palace and a lecture around a launch of a Nicole Kidman movie as also approached in the recent manuscript extract published at SEA MATTERS
the post in this blog
and there are the references to Belem as part of Lisbon city and the presidency palace and a lecture around a launch of a Nicole Kidman movie as also approached in the recent manuscript extract published at SEA MATTERS
sábado, 26 de dezembro de 2015
1044 M 23 12 2015 about a photo on pt news yesterday about Blatter, FIFA
there will be a second video on this matter of FIFA, Blatter and Platini,
there is also a possible key concerning the detail on the cover photo of PT newspaper Publico, highly implied on this crime of international conspiracy, that came from the band aid that Blatter had in the face, like suggesting a lecture concerning the first id from the band or gang, (bad DN), and this can aplly to Marta deaths, pirate edition of the Universal DVD from the Portuguese band Xutos e Pontapes, that is also again approached in the last part of the extract of mu manuscript published at my blog SEA MATTER
the Publico cover mentioned on the video
the Publico cover mentioned on the video
the cubic stone of the tsunami?
also pope, is mirroring in the Publico todays cover, the cubic stone of the sea, also approached in the last part of the extract of my manuscript publsihed at SEAMATTERS blog, and a particular detail on one of the comic from Milo Manara, brevi Storie
terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2015
manuscript pages from 613 to 656- where among other subjects is the reconstruction of the video conversation with Nicole Kidman
226. manuscript pages from 613 to 656- where among other subjects is the reconstruction of the video conversation with Nicole Kidman
the video still do not work.
I demand that you tube put it online
the video still do not work.
I demand that you tube put it online
segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2015
today published at sea matter, 24 closes of the photos on foreigner affair palace, Lisbon council spot on 91 92
that are the base of an answer to thee last Nicole Kidman magazine cover appear on Portugal, that is explained already in part in the manuscript extract and will be further ( manuscript also at sea matters blog)
crime of impeachment concerning the video up load twice with the conversation with Nicole about this images that links a lot of different tragedies, including the NY towers fall
the photo upper is taken from the you tube page and correspond to the information that appeared concerning these two uploads.
this is not true, because both times, the clip, had been completed up load, and its impossible that you tube cannot convert it. as all know the terrorist, (rui st), had succeed to disarranged the clip just after the recording at my office, but of course they have at least all the sound r
domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2015
new pages of the actual manuscript at SEA MATTERS
pages 540 to 612
old and new pages of the actual manuscript, the ones that I re published again due the adulteration produced by the terrorists, some kind of degrade at the end of some pages that difficult the reading
quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2015
quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2015
a video where among other subjects like bombs in France, there is the fallow of my kiss to Nicole Kidman, by her recent photo, and the correlations establish with the album 91 92 and the NY towers fall
as you can understand the video is losing sync between image and sound. the terrorists change my codecs and the application each time I open my PC. each time that I wont to edit a video,I must re install a image disk, around one hours, and in the second editing is already out of sync. I want these criminals arrest. I can t afford to re edit again, then i published like they have adulterated, this also allows them more easily to change specific words as detected again recent, namely concerning the comment on nicole image, the band, is rose and rose normally is a socialist color or reference
today's post at SEA MATTERS
217. new manuscript pages from 517 that as not complete to 540
218. a new color pp with the the outside figures of my room, Japanese panels, that was also adulterated in the color and contrast to impeach peoples to understand the figures, and a text with at least some parts of the PP text
terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015
this video was stole in the post at SEA MATTERS
in this link,
if you open the player, it say that this video do not exist
also I just now remark that the terrorist had erase the more or less twenty pages, the first ones of this manuscript that i m been writing and publishing
if you open the player, it say that this video do not exist
also I just now remark that the terrorist had erase the more or less twenty pages, the first ones of this manuscript that i m been writing and publishing
segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2015
the terrorist are impeaching that I can change my account pasword
last time that i have been here in this internet shop, i spend perhaps half an hour looking the Google labyrinth to change my passwords, and i suppose the terrorist had succeed to close this links, this allows them at lest as theoretical point of vue more ease adulteration
put the links to change the passwords online
this is crime complaint against third unknown part that are entering the application and change the links and pages by false pages
quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2015
more manuscript pages including some more details concerning the bombs in france
some more manuscript pages published at my blog SEA MATTERS, pages 437 to 487
remembering one email to Mr. Holland president of the french republic
that as usual did not had any answer.
--Anexo da Mensagem Reencaminhado--
Subject: pedido de envio da missiva ao senhor presidente da frança
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2015 18:41:49 +0100
Exmos Senhores da embaixada de França,
Agradecia o favor de enviar ao presidente da republica francesa as seguintes informações que constam da carta abaixo e dos respectivos links.
Passado alguns anos continuo igualmente a aguardar a V. respostas a contactos anteriores
paulo forte
À messieur Hollande de la france à la absence de ma amoureuse
À messieur le president de france, Hollande
Como estive beijando belas raparigas francesas , me dirigo a si senhor presidente, não para vos dizer que não partirei à guerra, mas para vos perguntar se devemos estar no mesmo leito com companhias de seguros ou de saude ou do for, onde crimes assim se passam e que confiança os cidadãos europeus podem ter nelas, ou em contratos, ou em mediadores, ou em cartões eletronicos onde não se pode ler com os olhos o que podem esconder sobre as faixas e linhas magneticas, ou ainda sobre a ausencia regular no leito do amor dos direitos dos cidadãos das republicas e dos estados direitos e a continua sistematica negação de todos os direitos humanos, na verdade, nem sei porque me dirigo a si, visto o sistema da lei comum e consequentemente de todos os mecanismos de representação e delegação se encontram pervertidos em toda a europa e arredores, e como calculará, será sempre melhor beijar os lábios a minha amada, mesmo que alguns talvez a tenham tornado fantasma
Lisboa, agosto de 2015
paulo forte
À messieur le president de france, Hollande
Como estive beijando belas raparigas francesas , me dirigo a si senhor presidente, não para vos dizer que não partirei à guerra, mas para vos perguntar se devemos estar no mesmo leito com companhias de seguros ou de saude ou do for, onde crimes assim se passam e que confiança os cidadãos europeus podem ter nelas, ou em contratos, ou em mediadores, ou em cartões eletronicos onde não se pode ler com os olhos o que podem esconder sobre as faixas e linhas magneticas, ou ainda sobre a ausencia regular no leito do amor dos direitos dos cidadãos das republicas e dos estados direitos e a continua sistematica negação de todos os direitos humanos, na verdade, nem sei porque me dirigo a si, visto o sistema da lei comum e consequentemente de todos os mecanismos de representação e delegação se encontram pervertidos em toda a europa e arredores, e como calculará, será sempre melhor beijar os lábios a minha amada, mesmo que alguns talvez a tenham tornado fantasma
Lisboa, agosto de 2015
paulo forte
995 M 07 08 2015 Axa, des crimes françaises et d´outres, and an email sent right now to president judge of the supreme court and to the justice minister
terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015
1034 M 22 11 2015J
Again the video 1034, with corrected frame ( the image). I hope because I will not wait until the processing. I will check this next time. Of course one of the goals of the terrorist on this crime, was namely to do not allow to understand the code that they had already injected in the laptop and in the dell. Be aware that some words in last video had also been changed, and normally they do this to frame innocent peoples, perhaps they will do the same to this video, becauSe the first version under, we do not see the sync, sound and image, and this had gave them the time to change the words that they need to change to escape they criminal responsibilities.
just now I see the new government, where one of the minister, Vieira da Silva, that was deny on the pass within this crime of robber of my son, support, to eat, is again minister , perhaps on the same minister, solidarity
the terrorists had suceed to change the frame in one of the video yesterday published
the , 1034 M 22 11 2015
I was trying to put it again, but they also succeed to introduce a code on my pen that do not allow now to copy the video to this PC. I will try again next time
segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2015
1032 M 21 11 2015 some Italian subjects
the terrorist had done a lot of efforts to impeach to upload this video. I hope it work wel. as normally all these criminal efforts says a lot about the cover of crimes
quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2015
again the robber of information
that by the content itself, raise the suspicion that was done or order by the state entities.
I m speaking about the document issue by the Calvario PSP police station that is quoted namely on the last part of my manuscript notes published at sea matters. the scan of this document, was published in my blog , documents of support and i just realize now that is missing, which means, they had order to take it away from my publication, then this raise also the weight the possible connection with the fall helicopters, or the process behind
segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2015
quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2015
today published manuscript pages from the page number 386 to 426
and I just notice now that the terrorists had stole four pages on the anterior sequence of this manuscript that are already on line on the link under
and I just notice now that the terrorists had stole four pages on the anterior sequence of this manuscript that are already on line on the link under
quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2015
1028 M 30 10 2015
after some tries i reach to publish three post at SEA MATTERS
Manuscript pages 352 to 382
and this video under
os terroristas estão fazendo tudo para impedir as minhas publicações
chego a esta loja, os pcs dos terminais, dois, não reconhecem a "caneta"
no pc server da loja a caneta é contudo reconhecida
na loja ao lado, o homem diz que tem de fechar mais cedo
sempre a prova da culpabilidade, e ganham o tempo para começar a produzir adulterações pois continuam ter acesso a meu ficheiros através do meu pc portátil e do dell, ou seja quando faço digitalizações ou quando monto vídeos.
quero estes criminosos perante um tribunal, desde há uma década que o peço, mas este é um país na mãos dos nazis
no pc server da loja a caneta é contudo reconhecida
na loja ao lado, o homem diz que tem de fechar mais cedo
sempre a prova da culpabilidade, e ganham o tempo para começar a produzir adulterações pois continuam ter acesso a meu ficheiros através do meu pc portátil e do dell, ou seja quando faço digitalizações ou quando monto vídeos.
quero estes criminosos perante um tribunal, desde há uma década que o peço, mas este é um país na mãos dos nazis
sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015
today's post at sea matters
198 . manuscript pages 338 to 352
199. scans from the BDs, a catedral invisível e a pedra angular, e um bebé nas pedras, abordado nas duas últimas partes do manuscripto
200. the egg on the Dell, as show in not faraway video published at ourosobreazul. that they had quickly target of erase, now again a photo frame published
terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2015
the terrorist had change the frame of the above photo, where we see the snake representation and other figures
I c´ant replace it now, because the file is my pen is also adulterated
i will republish it soon
i will republish it soon
todays publishings at SEA MATTERS blog
1. no ponto196 do SEA MATTERS; paginas 294 a 337 do actual manuscrito onde essencialmente se aborda a matança de Beslan na Rússia mas não só,
2. no ponto 197
2. no ponto 197
some photos from the GNR, Luís Maio book, by the reasons explained on the last PP here published, point 193 on this blog, perhaps some more complementary words on this subject will be published further
sobre passes e quedas de helicopteros, AXA; BCP; PSP e outros
disse-me meu pai à dias, que o cheque visível no link acima, é passível de ser levantado, mas se calhar só num balcão do BCP.
expliquem-me como é que um cheque neste caso do Millenium, que estava passado em meu nome, e antes do nome no impresso do próprio cheque diz - não à ordem, que portanto é relativo ao nome do portador escrito no próprio cheque.
por outro lado, no reverso do mesmo cheque está impresso, não endossável, ou seja o individuo a quem o cheque foi passado não pode levantá-lo, nem endossá-lo, só podendo depositá-lo e como sabeis não trago eu nenhuma conta em nenhum banco, pelas razões deste crime contra mim e meu filho
quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015
todays post at sea matters blog
1022 M 11 10 2015
I suppose that the terrorist had erase this video post, and perhaps they had also change some content, which means this kink of crimes always have purposes
segunda-feira, 12 de outubro de 2015
post of today at my blog SEA MATTERS
1. não consigo aceder ao power point e o XPS, sobre as figuras dos painéis japoneses, publicado no ponto 180 do meu blog SEA MATTER, e de igual modo não sei se os terroristas conseguiram esconder o referido e importante documento para a compreensão da queda das torres em NY e de outras tragédias
2. no SEA MATTER, hoje publicado:
2. no SEA MATTER, hoje publicado:

2.3 185. a photo from Republica Dominicana in the 91 92 trips with CC, that now I realize was mirrored some years ago by a German politician
the two political hearts of Angela Merkel, sub line by an article published some years already in A Portuguese newspaper that also connect the lines of the pillar of the bridge and the dolphin
terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2015
post of today at ouro sobre azul and sea matter blogs
1. A XPS document with the figure on the Japanese panels, namely the giraffe and other elements
2. Or in Power Point version
I do not reach to embed it from my drive at google, but the link is open for all, at least these are the settings that i chose
3. at Sea matters blog
178.manuscript pages from 171 to 195
180. Power point and xps, about the figures on the japoneze panels, the giraffe and other elements on my analyzes
4. and two videos
sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2015
1017 M 10 20 2015 and other posts
1. first of all the number of the two last videos under published are the 1015 and 1016, and this is the consequence of all the criminal efforts the terrorists are doing to impeach me. two of the last videos are also out of sync, and i had to re intsall the system on my pc all again.
2. published at SEA MATTERS,
3. also a rectification concerning the last pages re published because they had already stole them, they are 22 and not 21 and the date of the summary is 01 10 2015
1. first of all the number of the two last videos under published are the 1015 and 1016, and this is the consequence of all the criminal efforts the terrorists are doing to impeach me. two of the last videos are also out of sync, and i had to re intsall the system on my pc all again.
2. published at SEA MATTERS,
3. also a rectification concerning the last pages re published because they had already stole them, they are 22 and not 21 and the date of the summary is 01 10 2015
2. published at SEA MATTERS,
3. also a rectification concerning the last pages re published because they had already stole them, they are 22 and not 21 and the date of the summary is 01 10 2015
quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2015
1005 M 01 10 2015, la mort d´enfant a onze ans qui semble etre connecte avec la ligne de la bomp, conseil de ministres radar, comment on mes derniers videos
obama, raul, pope, image on pt newspapers, and other crimes
posts of today at sea matter blog
172. the correlations between the map of Africa on the cat, and the map published by DN and the institute of international relations and security, as
explained on my document already published. the cat, the Sebek, the snake, London Camdown town coffee, the album 91 92
173. manuscript pages from 155 to 170
the new ones until this date
174. due the robber of the first pages of this manuscript I will published again here, the first parts of this manuscript, that correspond to the posts from day 28 08 to 31 08 2015, on the first page a summary of the publications and number of pages
segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015
post of todays, with a lot of crimes
163. manuscript pages from 123 to 128 due again problems or crimes in the uploading
164.manuscript pages 129 to 132, due the same crime that the terrorist are constant doing
165. manuscript page 133 to 148 due the same crime on the uploading
166. manuscript pages 149 to 154
167. 5 photos that are approached on the sequence of the manuscript published today, this ones, less
168. 8 photos concerning the manuscript excerpts published today's, this sequence of photos correspond to the Pac
169. 7 photos that correspond to subjects on the manuscript pages today's upload.
170. Gangs of NY, 4 photos that correspond to subjects approached on today's manuscript
171. 1 photo of Lima de Freitas, St Auta in moon night that is also referred on today's manuscript post
quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2015
colecting figures
just speaking about OA in the pages of the manuscript published today, the shuttle mark
two covers of today, see the difference between the emotional expression of both couples
two covers of today, see the difference between the emotional expression of both couples
1014 M 23 09 2015 and other posts, more manuscript pages at sea matters blog
2. New manuscript pages 95 to 103
3. And 104 to 122
4. as accounted on the upper video, a rendez vous with a belge at kumar internet shop, his saying seems correlated with the post of the page first stolen , and then republished at sea matter, point 145, pag 18, that I discover now that was half hidden. now its all visible
segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2015
interpelação publica dirigida à ministra da justiça e ao presidente do supremo tribunal, just sent now
Exmas senhoras dos respectivos gabinetes da ministra da justiça e do presidente juiz do supremo tribunal, fazia o favor de transmitir aos respectivos o seguinte hiperligação de mais uma interpelação publica.
continuo a esperar a V. resposta aos anteriores emails
com os meus cumprimentos
Paulo Forte
1013 M 21 09 2015 and other posts, more page on my manuscript
2 some more posts at my blog sea matter with new pages on my manuscript.
quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2015
today posts
1. I´m still with some pulmonary infection due these constant attempt to murder me
2. I will published today 3 videos, the 1011 15 09 2015, a question to Angela Merkel and to all
3. the 1012 07 09 2015, about some news in Portugal, two films, and others criminals details, like another two deaths in Quinta do Patino near Lisbon, at CM newspaper;that seems connected with the Turkic matters
4. at sea matters blogspot, some more pages of my manuscript. My scan still do not work, and I`m digitalizing this pages on the shop, this is very expensive to me
pag 44 to 50
link under
5. An extract kiss in HD at my blog kiss, better will be to extract then in your lips
2. I will published today 3 videos, the 1011 15 09 2015, a question to Angela Merkel and to all
3. the 1012 07 09 2015, about some news in Portugal, two films, and others criminals details, like another two deaths in Quinta do Patino near Lisbon, at CM newspaper;that seems connected with the Turkic matters
4. at sea matters blogspot, some more pages of my manuscript. My scan still do not work, and I`m digitalizing this pages on the shop, this is very expensive to me
pag 44 to 50
link under
5. An extract kiss in HD at my blog kiss, better will be to extract then in your lips
terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2015
todays post at my main blog
Still going on the crimes of impeachment, robber of information an adulterations
1. the text published in the point 151 at 07 09 2015, link under
have been stole after my publishing.
This text had a part concerning the killing at Beslan, Russia, and a relation, the vase or calix, like the one represented in the last photo on this post on the church of Queluz, the baptism of the son of Ana and Saraiva, by the African laces on the child's that are on the image.
2. perhaps there will be other robber of informations concerning last publications, but I can t verify now
3. today's I publish a new video master . the 1010 M , that speaks among many subjects about 911
4. and some new points at sea matters blog,
namely my English passport crimes, that are also remembered on the upper video
my scan still do not working properly, as all can understand by the scans under
why I publish this passport scans?
by a detail , the moustache, that links another one on Alameda sequence , making the spot to the Lisbon council, album 91 92. indeed is similar to the fire man that is in the crane cage.
5. Also at sea matters blog, another post with some more important blows up on album 91 92 photos to understand the adulterations and what is the story behind
this will be understood when I rich to publish the rest of the text
1. the text published in the point 151 at 07 09 2015, link under
have been stole after my publishing.
This text had a part concerning the killing at Beslan, Russia, and a relation, the vase or calix, like the one represented in the last photo on this post on the church of Queluz, the baptism of the son of Ana and Saraiva, by the African laces on the child's that are on the image.
2. perhaps there will be other robber of informations concerning last publications, but I can t verify now
3. today's I publish a new video master . the 1010 M , that speaks among many subjects about 911
4. and some new points at sea matters blog,
153. the crimes around my english passport that are also
account on the video today published at my main blog , , the 1010 M
namely my English passport crimes, that are also remembered on the upper video
my scan still do not working properly, as all can understand by the scans under
why I publish this passport scans?
by a detail , the moustache, that links another one on Alameda sequence , making the spot to the Lisbon council, album 91 92. indeed is similar to the fire man that is in the crane cage.
5. Also at sea matters blog, another post with some more important blows up on album 91 92 photos to understand the adulterations and what is the story behind
154. 11 photos, 10 from the 91 92 album and one with Monica Lapa, that will allowed to better understand the adulterations on the album and the hidden story will be understood when I rich to publish the rest of the text
segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2015
continuing the analyze on london and other criminal matters
Today on sea matters blog,
1. a jpeg from the opening dialog box on the magix easy HD Germany editing video, that shows a father with an elevated child, that as accounted in recent extracts published in the same blog,is puzzling me fro some years, in the sense that the young boy is very similar to Gaby younger brother. Gaby worked with me at Latina Europa and then TVI. Also as accounted maybe two years ago, this man, or a similar one, appear at my eyes taking the bus at Alcantara. this is accounted on my videos statement at time. This fact emerge again during the actual line of analyse concerning the spot to the Lisbon council at 91/92 , on the albums 91 92
2. A recent crime recent again approached in videos statements 995 M , AXA french assurances, where i mention in two video, the first one in the link under, the persecution acts done by the injunction court of Porto and AXA, today i published in the blog documents of support, two letters that correspond to one of this crimes, one from the court of injunction, and another one from a lawyer that represent AXA at time . In these persecution crimes AXA assurances an injunction court of Porto, appear a possible connection with tuy, or Tua, the trains crash.
3. Also at Sea matters blog, some more micro sequences based on images and closeups of the album 91 92, spot scene at Alameda Afonso Henriques.
148. a mirror image done by Maria Elisa at RTP program around the death of princess Diana with this mine previous sequence of photos with Ester Mestre
this sequence of photos from the 80 s, as been mirrored in RTP program done by Maria Elisa around a recent, some years ago, memory on princess Diana death , by another photography, taken by a Portuguese photographer, that had shoot princess Diana. Theses facts are accounted on my book of life, but return again in these last manuscript sequence published in previous posts, and had some development in these last years, namely some of them connecting Germany elections and the opposite candidate of Angela Merkel. Also connects figures on the croma wall, that are correlated with London bombs, namely, at the time of Gaspar as ex pt finances minister, the phantom and the sorcerer and also by extension, Visao 96 magazine, the bridge pillar dilatation and consequently NY towers fall. this will be again summarize in next part of my manuscript, the actual one. As all can see, the terrorist had suceed to kaput my scanner, yesterday
151. images concerning S doming Church, Beslan and towers killing, and a detail from the album 91 92 that also links this subjects
152. another sequence blows spot 91 92 and a connection with church s domingos and by extension killings, beslan, NY
in this blog, ouro sobre, four new videos published, 1006,1007, 1008 and 1009
1. a jpeg from the opening dialog box on the magix easy HD Germany editing video, that shows a father with an elevated child, that as accounted in recent extracts published in the same blog,is puzzling me fro some years, in the sense that the young boy is very similar to Gaby younger brother. Gaby worked with me at Latina Europa and then TVI. Also as accounted maybe two years ago, this man, or a similar one, appear at my eyes taking the bus at Alcantara. this is accounted on my videos statement at time. This fact emerge again during the actual line of analyse concerning the spot to the Lisbon council at 91/92 , on the albums 91 92
2. A recent crime recent again approached in videos statements 995 M , AXA french assurances, where i mention in two video, the first one in the link under, the persecution acts done by the injunction court of Porto and AXA, today i published in the blog documents of support, two letters that correspond to one of this crimes, one from the court of injunction, and another one from a lawyer that represent AXA at time . In these persecution crimes AXA assurances an injunction court of Porto, appear a possible connection with tuy, or Tua, the trains crash.
3. Also at Sea matters blog, some more micro sequences based on images and closeups of the album 91 92, spot scene at Alameda Afonso Henriques.
148. a mirror image done by Maria Elisa at RTP program around the death of princess Diana with this mine previous sequence of photos with Ester Mestre
this sequence of photos from the 80 s, as been mirrored in RTP program done by Maria Elisa around a recent, some years ago, memory on princess Diana death , by another photography, taken by a Portuguese photographer, that had shoot princess Diana. Theses facts are accounted on my book of life, but return again in these last manuscript sequence published in previous posts, and had some development in these last years, namely some of them connecting Germany elections and the opposite candidate of Angela Merkel. Also connects figures on the croma wall, that are correlated with London bombs, namely, at the time of Gaspar as ex pt finances minister, the phantom and the sorcerer and also by extension, Visao 96 magazine, the bridge pillar dilatation and consequently NY towers fall. this will be again summarize in next part of my manuscript, the actual one. As all can see, the terrorist had suceed to kaput my scanner, yesterday
151. images concerning S doming Church, Beslan and towers killing, and a detail from the album 91 92 that also links this subjects
152. another sequence blows spot 91 92 and a connection with church s domingos and by extension killings, beslan, NY
in this blog, ouro sobre, four new videos published, 1006,1007, 1008 and 1009
sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2015
the missing page on the anterior part of the manuscript as explained in anterior post in this blog
As you can see, the spots on this scan, that is on my pen, which means
that they had already meanwhile change the content of my en, are also
visible on the upper left in many of the pages already published, trying
to disguise in this way the art that they ha mounted on this manuscript
and the missing page, namely the one already accounted, the spot, that
seems a kind of ink ( false) in three words of this extract, that marked
Beslan, father and son
the pages that they stole belong to the extract on the link above
the pages that they stole belong to the extract on the link above
quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2015
crimes de adulteração, homicídio e mais um extracto do meu manuscrito
1. Os crimes de adulteração continuam.
A. o título do ultimo poste está mal grafado, depois de eu o ter corrigido e de novo publicado, ou seja devem ter um " cache" na aplicação, talvez para poderem ganhar tempo para fazer adulterações. Obviamente esta técnica visa igualmente a descredibilização, ou a criação de rumores sobre questões do foro psicológico, ou seja, provavelmente pelas duas componentes aqui enunciadas, feito pelos grupos dos psiquiatras criminosos envolvidos neste crime contra mim, meu filho e muitos mais.
the same crime on the embed video under, a fake message, and the video that is already processed on the youtube page, do not appear
B. nas ultimas paginas manuscritas publicadas, notam-se uns pontos negros, ou pequenas manchas, sobre duas especificas palavras no texto numa das paginas e nos cantos superiores esquerdos de todas as páginas, que não correspondem a qualquer borrão ou problema na digitalização. isto foi uma arte indutiva nomeadamente para preparar uma leitura na igreja de S. Domingos
C. o video 1001 M , link, , que é um extracto do 1000 M, com as partes sobre a leitura do Dell, pc, uma indução altamente preparada por terceiros com explicado, até eventualmente com propósitos infecciosos, ou seja, tentativas de homicídio como é constante ao longo dos anos que dura este crime, foi cortado de novo, ou seja pelo menos dois "takes", um deles, relativo a percepção da forma do ovo no chassi do PC. como será visível em próximo video, mudaram assim me parece a drive do PC em minha casa
D. the manuscript extract published on my blog sea matters, on the post with the link under,
just now i remark, that they take some pages away and replace for others duplicated.
just now i remark, that they take some pages away and replace for others duplicated.
E. o ultimo video publicado abaixo deste post, o 1004 M , foi também cortado, pelo menos em dois pontos
F . no link abaixo, paginas 23 a 42 do manuscrito que tenho vindo a publicar, e 11 fotos que são comentadas neste extracto. as onze fotos publicadas são dos álbum 91 92 , algumas ampliadas e reenquadradas para melhor se entender os pormenores. Provavelmente já as reenquadraram para enfraquecer a compreensão da relação do texto, e dos detalhes
i demand that these criminal present to a court, and also i demand that you, telecoms, or google servers or third part, put the missing pages on the manuscript right away on place
i demand that these criminal present to a court, and also i demand that you, telecoms, or google servers or third part, put the missing pages on the manuscript right away on place
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