Fourth complaint submitted to European justice provider on line page, on day, 08 10 2012
Dear’s ladies and Sirs of the European justice provider
I’m feeling love, which as you all know is always based on truth and justice, and by these reasons I send also today a new complaint.
The juridical argumentation is the same as present in the complaint that I had send to you yesterday, day 07 10 2012, and for this reason I will not repeated again right now.
This is again a multiple complaint against multiple bad administrations, in this case the German one, the Portuguese one and the European institutions.
The mystery of the apparently disappearing of official emails that I had send to Germany embassy here at Lisbon, asking the ambassador to forward them to Lady Chancellor Angela Markel and German authorities, and the strange case of the finances minister, the Portuguese one and Mr. Junker, old lines about Italy and MTV “ videira” among others crimes.
Here the three links to three videos statements concerning the phone calls to German embassy and one
about the news today on RTP, this morning, where I saw Mr. Junker.
And the copy of the emails that I send to German embassy, the prove of each envoy is available on line in my book of life, in videos, corresponding to the day of the invoice of immediately after.
I stress to all, that each letter to Chancellor Angela Markel, is a complaint, and therefore I demand form the European justice provider an answer
Sinopse communications
18 06 2012 / 06 03 2012 and Information on love parade killing, absence of researcher and political accountability
18 06 2012, video public inquiry to EC and Angela Markel, Absence of answers, Mr. Shultz
20 06 2012 Waiting for Angela Markel replay, echo of my word, Spain and Italy debts
21 06 2012
04 07 2012 why no answers, human rights case, political protections
04 07 2012 criminal motives and motivations, introductory text
07 07 2012 why no answers, obstruction to justice, why cover Nazis here
10 07 2012 crime against the state of law, TC decision, why Europe institutions cover criminals and criminal acts like this one
17 07 2012 attempt against my life, German submarines crime, Paulo Portas
20 07 2012 criminal public inquiry to Angela Markel,
23 07 2012 why cover Antonio costa crime, and Denver killings
30 07 2012 Cavaco Silva crime, no answer concerning complaints public attorney, fr, it, lux, Passos Coelho crime
05 08 2012 crime against pt. parliament head, Assunção Esteves, why you cover
13 08 2012 analyze and questions concerning image Tervuren and posterior echo with your husband (mention absence of answer, probably, one email before was stole)
18 06 2012 / 06 03 2011
under is the email text that i send to German embassy at Lisbon in the day 06 03 2011 asking to forward to lady Angela Markel, concerning the killing at love parade in berlin, which I do not have any answer until now, even, a replay of good reception, just an automatic one by the system, in this context of killings.
More clear concerning the value of human life can’t be!
This also prove the absence of justice at European level, as I comment in this video extract 324 E 18 06 2012
Envoy of the link to my blog, about the analize on the killing at love parade in berlin
18 06 2012
a angela markel e a todos
abaixo, copias do envio e da recepçao do envio, à ambaixada da alemanha em Lisboa, com o pedido ao embaixador de transmitir à senhora a informaçao relativa a matança na festa de jovens que ocorreu na alemanha comentada de novo sobre a ausencia de abertura e investigaçao de oficial por parte das policias e das autoriedades do sistema judicial europeu nestes crimes de terrorismo internacional, para que em tribunal europeu ninguem possa alegar desconhecimento dos factos e da analise que aqui neste livro da vida fiz sobre estes crimes
primeira ab bia do xo, cop ia sd circulo do en vaso do io , é da re cep sao es do en vaso io, à am e bia x ad a da alemanha em L i b oa, com do circulo do pe dido aco em baixa ad da dor de t ra ns mit tir da ira à senhora, primeira in fom maçao rato, ela , a da cruz iva da primeira matança na festa de jovens, q ue o circulo rr reu na alemanha , co men t ad a de n ov s ob rea primeira au s en cia de abe rato do rt da tura , é in v es tiga sao es do oficial, o por p arte das pol ica seda serrpenet das autoriedades do sistema judicial europeu nest es crimes, de te rr ero rim serpenet circulo do inter n primeira, é cona el, pat rac ac quadrado da ue em tribunal europeu nin gato do vaso em p os sa ale g ar espanhola do com da ne do homem cie maior nt o dos f act os , é da ana lise quadrado da ue da primeira do qui aqui, nest e l iv roda vaso id a , fi zorro serpente do ob re , é ws cruz às circulo do rim crimes espanhois, circulo da rie da ms es ap pn ho is
18 06 2012
Receipt of the invoice to Mr. Schulz
20 06 2012
Email send to Angela Markel
Meanwhile, me, and consequently all the world is waiting to see if this time will be an official answer from Angela Markel as European chancellor, and discounting the line that apparently came from her this morning in the Portuguese radio, in a metaphor concerning the almost eight million to rescue the debts in Spain and in Italy, I wonder if we are speaking about Atocha and Abruzzo, saying that she expect a strong signal, that echo on my name and the recent image of the antenna RKO in the kiss comment that I gave to Gwen and the image of the magnetic bombs, already published in the last video sequence under, a update and a criminal public inquiry about so call doctors in Portugal that are robbers of child’s, child’s molesters, and tortures.
Paulo forte
20 06 2012
21 06 2012
Email send to angela markel
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
Waiting for the replay of sweet chancellor Angela Markel, i m asking again to forward her this link, that i suppose can help decide the way she behavior as chancellor, i still hope.
Best regards
Paulo forte
326 E 22 06 2012 to the foreigner minister of Germany
Email send to Germany embassy Foreigner affair minister
Dear ambassador
I do not have the email of the foreigner minister of Germany
By this reason I ask you if you can send this link to him, and perhaps to lady Angela Markel
The link is a video published in my book of life and have a part that his address to him, after listening a quotation of him, today in the morning news at antenna 2.
This part is in French and start at 21´07
Still waiting for your s replay
With my best compliments
Paulo forte
22 06 2012
29 06 2012
329 M 29 06 2012 Criminal complaint against all the Portuguese authorities
329 M 29 06 2012
Criminal complaint against all the Portuguese authorities
Crimes of recent illegal entrance at my home, robbers of information and prove, adulteration, robber of money, within the pass with dope that they had used to put me sleep in an abnormal way during three of four days.
This is a prove of the corruption of all justice body’s in Portugal and a prove of they constant acts of terrorism.
To all and to European authorities in the absence of the Portuguese authorities, one of the last pass they had done recent was to put me sleep in an abnormal way.
The dope they used affected also my ram memory, the recent memory.
I ask recently, why, what crimes they had done during these days to put me sleep in this way, and what they wanted to erase in my conscience at least.
I suppose they had entered my house again by the window, because the window in the kitchen was open, and I’m sure I had closed it before. Perhaps they had enter just before doping me, and they let it open, because I do not see the windows lookers all the time by the blinds, and they enter by the windows, as it seems reinforce also by another recent image, or scene, already show, of some apparent workers in next building in a kind of rappel.
I do not know for sure if they had entered this time for the window, as they had done in the pass. This I’m sure because few years ago they break the windows looks to make it possible and many groups also have my home keys as I have proven again by the recent declarations of the terrorist and murder Antonio Manuel Seguro, actual secretary of socialist party, after my account in Amadora Sintra hospital pass, in the radio news, where he speaks a line, … that was a question of dose... without any logical context or sense, other this one. They whore not speaking about uni dose that was an idea to equilibrating the public debt in this major sector, which I have told many years ago.
I stress that around this lines also display at Amadora Sintra, there is many crimes of murder, not only where in Portugal but also the killing at Beslan, Russia.
Some years ago, the public debt on this sector, was 900 hundred millions, whore almost recovered if he put in practice the uni dose in pills, but they do not do it at that point neither until now, and this is a crime against the state of law, and public moneys, and the citizens’ rights an shows also the political corruption that is also in the public health system for many decades.
I notice already, at this moment that I’m writing this accusation, that they had again robber me some money, that seems be reflected in this “story”, in part at least was they use often, about the Germany submarines that I will explain in other time, because this is also a different and very large line, I suppose they do not want me that I’m able to travel, namely to go the Luxemburg try to present my criminal complaint at the European criminal court.
Also they still and change not only a recent video master, but also erase at least one original, on my external drives, they also destroy a drive, the connection, the usb 3.0 cable, this is also a way to oblige me to spend more money, to control my autonomy in terms of finances, which as all know are almost none, because I’m still a live from the weekly pocket money that my parents give to me. I do not know if the act of destroying the drive had already started at Vila Real, where they enter my room at the hotel I was, another crime, of course, also as all, without any replay from any authority.
I say this also, by the echo’s at antenna two, a science program, about a metaphor of black holes that sucks the energy, from the university in the north of Portugal, that seems reflect the crimes at Vila Real as I gave the account.
They erase and manipulate evidences, another line that is also in the table by other reasons, namely the “mat judgments “, see Gulbenkian recent video, that points also masons acts and crimes, I have also hear a very curious line, that the man of the plume is the man that judges, the man of the plume is Noronha do Nascimento, the supreme court head, a criminal, a terrorist, a child molester, a Nazi, and a corrupt as I had already prove, that is implied in this international conspiracy against me and my son and many others, and is also a mason.
I have present many facts during all this years, even with the ex-president Lula, from Brazil, about this kind of judgments of Mat, at Portuguese parliament, in a photo at the DN at time, this are masons actions, that are also at the supreme court, by other side, they forgery, they invoke reasons of state, to came here “auditing ”, as they call, my activities or my works, this was also today mirror on another veil in press, to still and forgery proves and evidences.
This that is show and explain in this video, is concerning another recent video, the 319 M 08 06 2012, they have cut a take, 835 of the day 8, the kiss to Gwen, where process of acts of terror are analyze.
Many other video have been forgery, and as I often stated to European authorities, also the general public attorney is a corrupt, is a state terrorist as I proved in many different fields and no one where in Portugal can trust of expect any justice in front of this fact, that they do they work properly.
I just sum two others detail, concerning another recent money robber at Ritalinos coffee, and the recent pass with the vases in my toilette, Maria prophetess, football, euro, and the two young ladies pass at the same street, recent lines already accounted, that someone at least propose a lecture, that was command or act by a psp police disguise as judiciary one.
The second one at the Dia supermarket at Alcantara, beside the absence of any answer concerning the crime of attempt against my live and probably against many other, public health crimes, at other supermarket that still had no answer, that seems point another crime of death.
Also I heard by the spirit concerning the murder of the young pianist or the murder Vila Real image, that they had do not done any autopsy and the accusation against the terrorist Cavaco Silva, also had no answer, that confirms that he is covering it.
I want justice and I demand an intervention from European justice, because the justice in this country is in the Nazis hands.
Paulo forte
29 06 2012
With the follow text
Email send to Angela Markel
Dear ambassador
Until this day i had any answer to my last emails that i send to yours embassady, and to Lady Chancellor Angela Markel and the minister of foreigner affairs.
Hereby a new video link that i ask if you please send to both
In this video again is proved the constant crimes in this country in the hands of Nazis
I insist, in the demand of international justice assistant
Can you confirm me the arrival of all the last emails?
Best regards
Paulo forte
29 06 2012
04 07 2012
Email send to Angela Markel
Dear Sir Ambassador of Germany
Can you please answer me, why my recent emails send to your embassy, do not have any kind of answer until now, including the return of confirmation of good arrival.
Do you think is fair to raise the doubt if this continuous absence of answer, concerning questions of basic human rights defense, and crimes against many, including in your country id due to the existence of direct or indirect, represent, interests at least in obstruction to the justice?
I’m asking you if you can send this link, to Chancellor Angela Markel, concerning a fact and a prove of the continuous crime made by all the politicians and authorities in this corrupted country in the hand of Nazis, asking her, once again, how it’s possible that she cover all them, at least through political support
With my best regards
Paulo forte
07 07 2012
04 07 2012
Today email to Germany ambassador
Dear ambassador of Germany
I’m asking if you please can send this link,
concerning these criminal accusations, to the chancellor Angela Markel, and ask her, as I’m asking her and all that carry functions of politic and justice at European level, if similar criminal behaviors also happen in other European territories, without the expected by law, criminal responsibility, namely in crimes of mass murder.
Still waiting for yours replay, concerning the other crimes that I recent forward to yours embassy, and also a straight answer, why you all still deny to me and my son all the justice that is due at the European level.
With my best compliments
Paulo forte
04 07 2012
Publicada por pimpampum em 17:17
Criminal motives and motivations concerning the crime of international conspiracy against me, my son, and many others.
This video, 331 M 02 06 2012, is a piece of the criminal accusation at the European criminal court, concerning some facts that explain crimes and some of the criminal motives and motivations concerning the crime of international conspiracy against me, my son, and many others.
The facts in the video narrated, concern mainly the politicians and other houses and the bodies and apparent interprets in the justice field in Portugal, because criminals and outlaws never can carry functions on this level, and they are behavior like criminals, and perpetuating by the absence of carrying they role according the law, many other constant crimes, include murders, no one have any doubt about it.
As I stated long time ago and often, there is a going on crime, and the criminal behavior of all that carry functions connected with the fulfillment of the law in Portugal, also made all the accomplishes of this crimes, and this situation of crime against the state of law, only can be solve by the intervention of the justice at European level, this is what a citizen demand and expect from structures that are first of all communitarian’s.
This is what a citizen expect and demand when as resultant of this going on crime, is namely, having his only son stole and abuse and torture as him since 2005, without any exception during all this seven years, from one, that had act according the law.
This is what a citizen expect and demand when his life, the life of his son, and many others, are in consequence of this crime, under continuous attempt of murder.
These two statements from recent videos, 226 E and 277 M, show some of the more important criminal motives behind this crime of international conspiracy against me, my son, and many others.
Robber of political concepts for all the political houses and others, that for this crime sustain in a bandit association among all, the constant deny of the basic right’s that are consecrated to a citizen by the republic laws, and in this away sustain the crime of conspiracy against me and my son from the year of 2005, and all have criminal profit from it.
This robber of political concepts, solutions, even basis of laws and common agreements, is also at a world level, as many facts proved during many decades, including the high communitarian institutions, namely the European Parliament and European council.
This is also the main reason behind the criminal behavior that all European institutions have been concerning my complaints and by denying the justice replay at all these levels.
Robber of concept’s, and product concepts, that after became real, same of them, with worldwide value, that by this criminal nature, also translate and enlarge the crime of conspiracy to world territory, and for this, this crime is also a crime of international conspiracy, as Obama, once say indirectly about it.
Independent of the field, no one that carries political responsibilities in Europe cannot answer this demand of justice, because denying has been also happening all this years.
This is what my steps in the last year and this one concerning the try to contact and obtain support at the European parliament and the criminal court, as prove behind any reasonable doubt, also at this high level of the European institutions, the support and even the access to the justice, as being to me until now, obstructed, and deny, sometimes in criminal way, many of you, know me, and know my case and the case of my son, as before, for other reasons, the same had occur concerning TPI.
This show and prove to all Europeans that you also prefer to act in criminal away, and by consequence, that no one can trust anymore any political body at European level and by conclusion, that, there is not any future in what kind of European project that is not able to grant justice to all that lives in the countries that pretend to sustain it, namely in life protection, Childs abuse, acts of torture, and attempts of murder, and murders.
And I also had already remember to all, in some cases, according to different laws in each country, deny helping, can also be charged as criminal act.
The first statement in this video, start with a comment on a recent quotation from the ex-finances minister from socialist party, Teixeira dos Santos, about an unknown lie from individuals connected with a bank affected in the so call crisis, and, what seems he know about the connections and consequences, namely with the acts of terror in London bombs, as can be fully understood seeing all the videos statement sequence.
This speaks all about how gentleman’s from the socialist party apparently deal with matters of crimes, including the so call public debt that appear when he carry the finances, coming a day to another, certainly from outer space in the value of five billions euros.
Then appears Pedro Marques Lopes, as connection with the group of bank BNP, and by extension a few more terrorist some at the level of state as Pedro Santana Lopes that had carry a kind of “coup d’état” in the social democratic party some years ago, with the first one and others, behind as apparently strategic conceivers, based again in robber and perversion of my politics idea’s and writing, as prove by the time line of the events itself.
Another alliance of this transversal to all parties and houses, showed also the face in a program of radio, at the same time, Adão Silva that is the family name of the lawyer that belong to the commission of honor of Mario Soares, father of the socialist party, when he runs to election and to the board of the lawyer order, and was the one charged to make official the crime of robber, abuse, and act of torture, against my son and me at through the court of miners and family.
A link between the two major parties in Portugal, the ones that all long the so call democracy share in most the power and the criminal responsibility of the constant crime od abuse of power and crime against the state of law and republic and democracy, they do against all the people and in particular to the ones that fight them by reason of law and heart
A link that also is a fact, extend to one of the daily media, the DN newspaper, where both, Mario Soares and Pedro Marques Lopes, write, which is one of the more active and constant thought all this years, in this crime of conspiracy that pass to all medias in Portugal, that also show the daily power they use distorting the truth of facts in front of the public opinion, mounting constant lies and attempt of framing of all and nothing.
All this power apparently display in daily basis for years against a father and a son, shows well, that many and major crimes and major criminal interests are behind, that all the cover they do concerning the truth of what I state about they multiple crimes, and the constant crime of continuous perversion, that also include enter my house, spy and steal things, with the complacence of all authorities, that many of the crimes, if not all, that I accuse them all this years, are indeed real.
Then another criminal fact is reminder, another appropriation of intellectual propriety in political field, in another party, prefigured by a man in front of one socialist party tendencies, Manuel Alegre, in time of elections, with a campaign mounted on my sequence of daily texts at time, and a surprising result, one million votes in a figure that not represented what was been remember and say to all, and again behind, sometimes after I discover that behind the campaign has Luis Osorio, that had also worked and been formed at my company Latina Europa.
Can I stat properly and in truth, that if all these persons knows me, three of them, Luis Osorio, Pedro Marques Lopes and Margarida Rebelo Pinto, had always fallow in close, my career, my work and even my personal life.
From Pedro Marques Lopes, another branch on this conspiracy, also extend, by his marriage, to his spouse, Cecilia and acts of torture due trough purpose bad teeth’s care, and this criminal fact, that is a crime of torture, shows well, how this people are and act, and discounting the eternals envy’s, in this case, mainly to support the criminal purposes of stealing political intellectual propriety that after is served to the ones that own them, to nourish false careers, that they even pay in acts of torture and the robber of sons.
Also recent arise in the image of the Hospital Amadora Sintra, what can be another connection, between, Cecilia, and other or others doctor in that hospital and certainly in many others, as is also proved that this crime of conspiracy, is also done by many doctors and even by the doctors order, that protected, namely, what is still shadow at my son birth, and others truth that had lead some of them to attempt to murder me in this last years.
And the court must not forget that this recent image at the hospital Amadora Sintra, also is connected with other older images namely at another hospital, Santa Maria at the time around one of the worsts killings, the children in Beslan.
Last week to more wires on this image appear in the public space of communication, one already quoted in a video master, the apparent arrest of a network of doctors and delegates of medical propaganda, and after an announcement of a demission from a man in front at a pharmacies order.
Because Beslan and others Russian killing also arise again in this last part of analyze, I also remember to the court that at Santa Maria hospital, also a corruption act done by the cabinet of Socrates, a direct license that was given to open a pharmacy there, shows at that point, that they whore covering, what some at least know about the truth in this cases, and yesterday cover of public seems sum another line concerning a id at Amadora Sintra, the lady from the OS of 23 December.
This also shows the ongoing criminal mechanism and at this light we understand a little more, why so many daily heavily artillery with so many and constant means, because in this crime against me and my son and many others, they fights and specially they ways of fighting, lead them in many times, to arise major disgraces in the world, and we still assist and live a constant run away from the terrorists, fast as it is they proportional guilty.
Then, in this video statement about the crimes of many against to the state of law, I remember what as others in different countries had been calling as, a sort of our 9 11, the fall of the bridge in Entre Rios, the killing of almost one hundred souls, and what this crime, had proven in front of all the eyes, about the corruption in politics and justice field, and the total un acceptable impunity.
This account on this crime, without criminal responsibility so far, remember also Jorge Coelho, the man of the socialist party responsible for all organization in the territory for decades, that at the time, as minister with direct responsibility on these areas, and the exemplar criminal irony that translate the impunity, the acts of terror, and constant abuse of power, due by all the politicians trough decades.
Sure I’m, in sustain that my comments at that time, was an important motive for the criminal answer they all do, namely through the field of justice and courts.
In the second part of this video statement, an example of what it is also a constant motive, that by the criminal revenues, assure by they participation, that is convenience to them to act together, as they always do, because all my life, they all still from me, at all the levels, creation and innovation fields include.
A robber of a concept that after became a commercial product, again associate with big firms of construction, in this particular crime, Brisa, and the Via Verde concept that after became a product, that due it nature, was export worldwide, and this particular facet of many concepts that after by still, became worldwide products, also explain why in this cases, the criminal interests became also worldwide.
For many years I’m claiming justice concerning this constant robbers of intellectual, of concepts and products that value some time billions, that is also a constant criminal motive from all this international bandits associations, and the continuous absence of answer, by denying even the right of present complaint, once again prove they guilty.
This is a criminal complaint against all hereby mentioned concerning the crimes described.
Paulo forte
04 07 2012
07 07 2012
Email send to Angela Markel
Dear Sir Ambassador of Germany
Can you please answer me, why my recent emails send to your embassy, do not have any kind of answer until now, including the return of confirmation of good arrival.
Do you think is fair to raise the doubt if this continuous absence of answer, concerning questions of basic human rights defense, and crimes against many, including in your country id due to the existence of direct or indirect, represent, interests at least in obstruction to the justice?
I’m asking you if you can send this link, to Chancellor Angela Markel, concerning a fact and a prove of the continuous crime made by all the politicians and authorities in this corrupted country in the hand of Nazis, asking her, once again, how it’s possible that she cover all them, at least through political support
With my best regards
Paulo forte
07 07 2012
10 07 2012
Email send to angela markel
Dear ambassador of Germany
Can you please send this link to Lady Chancellor Angela Markel with this question?
Tell me my lady, if in Germany, when the high court of republic take a decision, if the governments and the parliament obey it, or as this crime case in Portugal, they act in criminal manner, and even if they seems return after some months to the rule of law in the case mentioned in this video, no criminal responsibilities is demand to them.
And tell my Lady, why European liter s protect crimes of this nature against the principles of law and state of law and all the citizens
And tell me my Lady, why i still have not any answer from you concerning my emails.
Besta regards
Paulo forte
10 07 2012
16 07 2012
Dear ambassador of Germany
I’m asking if you can forward to Chancellor Angela Markel, the following videos links, with these complementary questions
The German submarines crime case arises again in recent days where in news in Portugal, as you can confirm by recent videos that show it.
My Lady, can you please confirm me if the crime of corruption, on the selling of the Germany submarines to the Portuguese state, was as news here at time confirm, persecute trough German justice, and the yours citizens that whore involved in it, condemned.
If so, why criminal charges whore not also present against the Portuguese part on this crime, because law, I suppose also in your country, knows, that in this kind of crimes, there is always two parts, and if a crime, both are responsible, even, if in eventually different degrees.
Again I’m asking you more or less the same basic question, how can Germany authorities support a government where a minister, Paulo Portas, is the same that was involved in this corruption case
You can understand the more large context on this video, 336 M 12 07 2012, published at my blog
In second, I’m sending to you a clear prove of the constant crimes done through the Portuguese telecom, today, 13 07 2012 crime at they headquarters at Lisbon, where again they do not allow me the up load of the video under mentioned in the criminal way that the video explain, and perhaps at the same time, they had try to robber it, also perhaps to re edit after and change some proves and in this way adulterer the conclusions.
I’m asking you, if this constant crimes trough telecoms operators against individual rights and concerning this particular case, research on international crimes, done in this case by the Portuguese official company that have a so call golden share from the Portuguese state, have equivalent and constant impunity in your country, and I’m asking this having in my mind a recent statement from you, about the need of a police specialized on these crimes in Portugal, that I comment at the same time. This prove is in the video 337 E 13 07 2012.
Still waiting for your replays, concerning the previous emails that I send to you,
With my best regards
16 07 2012
Paulo forte
17 07 2012
341 E 17 07 2012 email send to Angela Markel
341 E 16 07 2012
This video was recorded yesterday, 16 07 2012, when sending one more email to Angela Markel through the Germany embassy page on line.
Again I ask replay, state once more, that here, many, are constant attempting against my life, that all the Portuguese authorities, including the government, are active participating in this collective murder.
Again a crime case and a metaphor, the German submarines, the gloves, that seems at distance the real reason to have bought them. A crime case that involve an actual minister here, Paulo Portas.
Again a terrorist attack on line at the same time, as always, that give once more, substance to the stated in the recent attack in PT headquarters, that by this reason, proves without doubt, that they are all implied, that one of the objectives is the adulteration of production of prove, facts and evidences, that after are change or sell, inter between houses, in this kind of debts payments that is unacceptable by common law common to all the European country’s at least.
In the video, I ask Lady Angela Markel, why this continuous absence of replay and constant deny of justice and even proper health, remember also, that if this situation of the conspiracy silence in this crime sustains, logical, I must step to formalize also a criminal accusation against her and Germany for active participation on this international conspiracy.
Again I also raise the same basic question, why Germany authorities are protecting this government that act without any doubt as criminal, that belongs to the same politic family and if bottom line, she is, covering the responsibility of Durão Barroso.
As European citizen, I demand a full inquiry on the submarine case and the recovering of the gloves, which means, people’s money.
Paulo forte
17 07 2012
20 07 2012
344 M 20 07 2012 public inquiry to Angela Markel and to all
23 07 2012
347 M 23 07 2012
In this master video, send once more an email to Germany embassy, PS, Antonio costa, crime at Paris,
council of Lisbon crimes and disguises, new crime against the people and people’s money between council of Lisbon and the government, the French adventure movie, also a still of intellectual propriety and hysteria lines, plume, tsunami 2005, Bacardi image, image doctors and government last weeks and a key through the antibiotics, flu as image of virus, fallopian tromp crime, ( in two points on the video), Denver news killings, if true the news.
Dear ambassador
Can you please forward this video link to Lady Chancellor Angela Markel, where among the account on many crimes, in the beginning, a comment on news of about once more an apparently money crime, thought an agreement between the socialist party in the Council of Lisbon Antonio Costa and the government concerning the debt of this institution, as I had listening in the radio.
I´m asking if you and Germany and European laws consider this kind of agreements as crimes of corruption against the state of law and the people, and how it’s possible then, they are done, and if Germany and European authorities allow them.
Of course other crimes are again disguise of this, perhaps even the new apparently, or not, hopping not, killing at Denver Colorado, as explain in the last part of this same video
Still a live and waiting for your replays
With my best regards
Paulo forte
30 07 2012
Dear Ambassador
Can you please forward to Lady Angela Markel the fallow video link, 348 M 25 07 2012 prove, that make the demonstration of the active participation of Cavaco Silva in this crime of conspiracy.
Aside some images that some can consider adult material that by the explained reasons are integrated on the video, that perhaps you will enjoy see as many, many truly pornographic crimes are described by his criminal act itself
I’m asking you my lady, if in your country, first, a criminal, like Cavaco Silva, that is one of the ones that had still my child and subject him and me to torture from 2005 among many others constant crimes, can fulfill high state functions
And say to me, my Lady, if in your country, when a citizen is facing a constant crime of this nature and try to present criminal complaints at all the justice institutions that carry function of law, they are deny, because the criminals have criminal state functions
And say to me my Lady, even knowing that this criminal and many others with him, apparently belongs to your political house, how it’s possible that they can have political support from European authorities, and before that, how it’s possible that common justice don’t act in cases like this one, that is a case of robber, abuse and stole of a child and a man
And say to me my Lady, if proved as it is by me, that this criminals here, act in association mode, and also all around, and sometimes inside the justice European institutions, how it’s possible in a crime also of continuous attempt of murder, the European justice institutions, don’t intervene.
And say to me my lady, why the criminal accusations, that I try as the right assist me to present at the European criminal court, one year ago, still do not have any answer, as the criminal complaints that I send by register letter to the generals public attorney of Luxemburg, France and Italy, concerning this crimes of international conspiracy in these European territories.
As European citizen I demand a clear political statement from Europe liders concerning this crimes that still going on from 2005, as I demand the immediate demission of Cavaco Silva and criminal charges against him and many others
I send to you my Lady, also the link of the video 349 E 30 07 2012, about the continuous crime of state persecution done in this case by the finances minister, as proved before in my book of life, and also a going on crime against the state of law and the people done at the end of the last year, that is not correct until now, in the umbrella of the FMI agreements.
I also send the video statement, account on the continues crime of persecution against me, veils and “mis en scene” last day 07 07 2012, a crime as proved in the video, done also by the so call prime minister, Passos Coelho, 342 E 17 07 2012 which silence once more prove his guilty.
With pains in liver and in my teeth’s, still alive, and still waiting for your replays
Paulo forte
30 07 2012
03 08 2012
Emails end to Angela Markel
Dear ambassador
Can you please forward this video link to Lady Chancellor Angela Markel, where among the account on many crimes, in the beginning, a comment on news of about once more an apparently money crime, thought an apparently agreement between the socialist party in the Council of Lisbon Antonio Costa and the government concerning the debt of this institution, as I had listening in the radio.
I´m asking if you and Germany and European laws consider this kind of agreements as crimes of corruption against the state of law and the people, and how it’s possible then, they are done, and if Germany and European authorities allow them.
Of course other crimes are again disguise of this, perhaps even the new apparently killing at Denver Colorado, as explain in the last part of this same video
Still a live and waiting for your replays
With my best regards
Paulo forte
In this master video, send once more an email to Germany embassy, PS, Antonio costa, crime at Paris, council of Lisbon crimes and disguises, new crime against the people and people’s money between council of Lisbon and the government, the French adventure movie, also a still of intellectual propriety and hysteria lines, plume, tsunami 2005, Bacardi image, image doctors and government last weeks and a key through the antibiotics, flu as image of virus, fallopian tromp crime, ( in two points on the video), Denver news killings, if true the news.
12-05 08 2012
Email send to Angela Markel
Dear ambassador of Germany
Can you please forward this video link to Lady Angela Markel that is again a criminal accusation against Lady Assunção Esteves president of Portuguese parliament and the minister of justice, Paula Teixeira da Silva, which apparently belongs to the social democrat party with the fallow question?
Tell me my Lady, if in Germany, is normal that a president of a parliament, the entire parliament, the government and a justice minister, persecute in a criminal ways, a child and a father, namely by reasons of constant robber and profit of political ideas, and recurring constant to many crimes, even to collective constant attempts of murder and refuse of health care.
And I ask you my Lady, why the European institutions do not act all this years, and by this way became accomplishes of this crimes.
With pains on my teethes, still waiting for your replay
I also send a translation of the email today send to the cabinet of the Portuguese parliament president, address to the president lady, Assunção Esteves
Email sends today to the cabinet of presidency at the Portuguese parliament
Urgent as it is always a crime case against a child and attempt OD murder
Criminal hookers, I must assume that you all have no doubts about the truth is this name, considering all yours criminal acts, as whereby described, without any answer or correction during all this period.
You are criminal hookers and curved, without heart and surely you all are not mothers, as you all know that this case is concerning a robber and an act of abuse and torture against a child and a father that came from 2005 and a continuous attempt of murder in which, you all, actively participate, and by the same reasons and criminal substance, also I must treat this hooker who claim to be the actual president of the parliament as before the other, Jaime Gama.
Please transmit this LINK, with one more a public criminal accusation to Assunção Esteves, to whom I again demand the immediate demission and prison, because these crimes are according the Portuguese law, punished with prison, namely, the collective continuous attempt to murder me
I demand an immediate answer!
As it seems that there no authority in Portugal, I suggest to you that you deliver yourself to the next police station, by this way you can benefit of attenuations!
Paulo forte
05 08 2012
13-12 08 2012
Dear Angela Markel,
In the absence of all the answers, I must insist in all the questions, and return to one of the last that I ask you, concerning the image that appears where in the back page of a newspaper with two mans, one seems your husband, that we all know is a physician, that perhaps you remember, some time I had in the past address to him in his quality concerning the analyze, study or comment on these fields.
The image that had appear here in the newspaper, that I had already give you, the account, had a clear link or propose “mis en scene”, normally with a clear purpose of incrimination, with a detail that I had recent approached concerning the image of Tervuren, Belgian, and roses dance phases.
This image had become a kind of key image on the global point of analyze concerning many big disgraces, in the world, as I have been explain to all in recent video masters, already publish, namely London bombs, and tsunamis matters.
The detail in the image that here recent appears, that I presume include your husband and another more younger man, was the mix between both shadows behind project in the classical blue screen, and in a way, speaks of different shadows phases, or one that is or was formed by two man, and result in a different phase, that is also a concept that is in the table concerning frequency waves and carries frequency’s, as way to create these disgraces, and by this reason, this point is very important to clarify to all.
Here three photo frames extract from the first dance piece of Anne Therese of roses dance phases, the piano phase, or the pi on the year of the ph, ase, that seems asae, the mason Asiatic group, or tsunami, which shows the link between the two photos.
The first one in the beginning of the choreography, a suggestion of sea in front, two body’s, four shadows, that became three, the middle one by sum, in a kind of out of phase, like the metaphor that I extrapolated from the Gwen movie, and the satellites lines.
A general shoot, where the idea of sea is more reinforce, as waves by the neon lights on the floor, three lamps or objects in the sky like satellites, and two kind of cubic stones, old line that links the matters of waters, arachnid, Tejo river, old electrical plant, and by images of Nicole, Australia, Australia parliament, which also means the place of the tsunami 2005.
Serial music, as concept of series, digital writes, and rotations, that also are suggested in the photo with your husband, by the two wheel in the chair, that also being a chair also remind what I called in my analyze, “the throne” id image that is visible in the fallen of the towers in NY.
Abbreviating this question at this moment, I would like to ask you, my Lady, if your husband in his field of expertise, perhaps with others has arrived to a conclusion concerning the methods behind these tragedies, and also who is behind and if so, what is the official statement of European authorities about.
All the many dead’s in these disgraces, have right to rest, a right that normally in due by the ones who stay, and rest, is getting peace because the truth is finally understood, and the actions due.
I also re published today the video 329 M 29 06 2012 prove of recent crimes at my home, where I gave to all the account on one of the more sophisticated crimes that they had commit against me during all this years of persecution, when recent, the terrorists cover by all the Portuguese authorities, put me to sleep during some fallow days and the crimes that I discover at that time inside my home.
I recent heard concerning Denver killing, that the money that they had robber to me in this time, was used to kill the boys at America.
I’m asking you and all once more, how it’s possible that European authorities sustain these terrorists of the Portuguese state, proved ad infinitum by the constant absence of answers all this years, are covering and some of them active participating in these criminals’ acts all around the world.
I demand a criminal inquiry on these criminal acts and the ones also committed at this moment, once more, against me.
Paulo forte
Lisbon, 12 08 2012
Paulo forte, 08 10 2012